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Very nice. That's pretty much exactly what I aim for as well, although I'm afraid to say that most of my razors aren't quite there.

What kind of setup produced the edge on that one?
I don't try for the sharpest razor. If I did I would have went to .25 diamond spray after the Ark. The HHT I posted is what I look for to tell me it is shave ready. I can't say it ever failed me.

Doc, was the shave comfortable?
Root of the hair up or down?

When I do the HHT the root has to be up with the tip of the hair hanging down as this is more like true shaving. If the blade passes the test with a near silent slice you know it's truly good to go.

I don't try for the sharpest razor. If I did I would have went to .25 diamond spray after the Ark. The HHT I posted is what I look for to tell me it is shave ready. I can't say it ever failed me.

Doc, was the shave comfortable?
I don't go for the sharpest either, this one was honed for a member here, it was a great Fili 14, he said it was the best edge he tried. I never shaved with it.

The member wanted a light saber, so I honed it through the Naniwa progression to 12k then crox, feox and finished on 0.25 micron CBN spray on nano cloth.

I am actually loving my JNAT edges, both very keen and smooth, my second favorite would be coticule finished with oil, third is actually lapping film to 1 micron. I don't use the naniwas for me as I don't like the feel of the edge, they feel harsh to me.
Root of the hair up or down?

When I do the HHT the root has to be up with the tip of the hair hanging down as this is more like true shaving. If the blade passes the test with a near silent slice you know it's truly good to go.


Just tried it with the root the other way, it still passed. Not that it makes much difference to me as what I posted is how I calibrated my hht test.

Here is a video with the hair with root in and root out. This one was honed on my JNAT, both sharp and smooth.
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I need to find some thick hair like that Doc. I use my daughter hair which is a reddish hair and is quite thin. That's what makes a hht so personal, it has so many variations.
I need to find some thick hair like that Doc. I use my daughter hair which is a reddish hair and is quite thin. That's what makes a hht so personal, it has so many variations.
Yes it does, I use the HHT but it MUST be calibrated to the hair and the resulting shave.

Hair is thanks to the wife, she has the thickest most beautiful hair I have ever seen, and she has a lot of it, all i have to do is bend over and pick up a strand
Just tried it with the root the other way, it still passed. Not that it makes much difference to me as what I posted is how I calibrated my hht test.

The root done "the other way" is like true shaving because that's how you slice your whiskers off your face, at least, on the first pass or so. And of course it's all personal how one likes their blades and tests them. If you're getting the results you like from you method that's all that matters. I just happen to like doing the test a little different. I know for me that if the blade passes the test done this way there's nary a chance for any error on my part.

And yeah I agree with having to calibrate or "roll with the punches" on the type of hair being used. I too use my wife's hair and she actually has nice thick hair. BUT she has variation in her hair and I've become familiar with all the variations by this point and know what to expect from each. It's good to use a consistent crop of hair like that.

Happy Honing!

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