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My Gem 1912 Heartbreak :(

So, ever since my discovery of the wonders of SE shaving with a Gem Micromatic, I had been eager to try out a Gem 1912 since it had been so highly recommended by other members here. I recently went out of town on business and hit the antique stores after work. I was able to locate 2 of them. They appeared to be in decent condiditon, just looked like they needed a bit of cleaning. I got one for $14 and the other for $9. I thought I had gotten a good deal. So, I got them home and cleaned them up and was very anxious to try them out. When I grabbed the first one and got ready to load it up, I was horrified to discover that one of the clips that the blade edge rests against was broken off! Oh man! So I picked up the other one and discovered the exaxt same thing. What are the odds!?!? Now I have 2 pretty much worthless razors. I'm so dissappointed.

Is there anything that can be done for them? Anybody got a spare 1912, they'd be willing to part with?

Here are the pics, the last one highlights the damage. I also realized that the safety bar on the left one is bent and droops down instead of being straight.




The onle consolation here is that I learned I need to examine these razors a bit more in depth, and know a couple other things to look for. :blushing:
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This has happened to me a couple of times. In all likelihood, the sellers don't even mean to cheat you; they just have no idea what to look for, and may not even realize that someone would actually shave with these. Doesn't help you, of course.

Check B/S/T. There are frequently ones for sale there, and if shave grade is good enough, you should not have to pay more than $10 shipped, although maybe I shouldn't speak for those who want to sell theirs.:001_smile Anyway, a B&B member should know enough about his razors to spot a defect like this, so you won't get stuck again.
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A member just PMd me and offered to send me a good 1912. Very excited. The day is looking up!
Same thing happened to me a few days ago. I was out looking for a nickel plated ball end Tech and ran across what looked like a very nice Gem 1912 for $5.60 ($7 with 20% off). This was my first SE razor, so I got a pack of SE blades at Rite-Aid on the way home. I wasn't sure how these worked, then I saw the one tab and realized that the other was broken off. I'm sure that this was not sold any intent of deception or for the razor to actually be put to use.

I'll see what I can do to use the razor anyway, just to get the SE experience. If there are any suggestions, I also would like to hear them. The one I got has a really nice handle - good condition, the hexagonal one with the pattern in it.
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Thanks guys. If it had been just one, I wouldn't have been so bummed. I just couldn't believe it when I picked up the second one and discovered the same problem. I'm really looking forward to receiving my new (to me) 1912. Sometimes I cannot believe the generosity on this site.

RSC said:
I'll see what I can do to use the razor anyway, just to get the SE experience. If there are any suggestions, I also would like to hear them.

I thought about this for mine. Maybe putting a dab of solder where the tab should be? It could possibly be shaped after it cools to make it functional. Could possibly be done with a dab of epoxy too. No idea if this would work, but it was my best idea.
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Maybe putting a dab of solder where the tab should be? It could possibly be shaped after it cools to make it functional. Could possibly be done with a dab of epoxy too. No idea if this would work, but it was my best idea.

I doubt if this would work. You'd have to get the solder shaped just right to hold the blade and the blade alignment would have to be perfect. I have an old Schick and the brass blade quides are worn. That made the alignment off and shaving with it was terrible.
I'm thinking something temporary so that I can figure out whether the 1912 is for me or not. If it is for me, it seems that it wouldn't that expensive for a replacement. I'm thinking that one destructive option would be to clip off one of the bars in the lower blade guard and bend it upward. (I'm only thinking about it!!!)

Right now I'm engaged with trying out my Tech that I wound up getting off eBay when the antique store search didn't give me exactly what I wanted, so it's probably going to be a few days before I try anything. I also need a couple of days without any engagements so that a bad shave and a few cuts won't matter if my temporary fix doesn't work.
I'm thinking something temporary so that I can figure out whether the 1912 is for me or not. If it is for me, it seems that it wouldn't that expensive for a replacement. I'm thinking that one destructive option would be to clip off one of the bars in the lower blade guard and bend it upward. (I'm only thinking about it!!!)

Right now I'm engaged with trying out my Tech that I wound up getting off eBay when the antique store search didn't give me exactly what I wanted, so it's probably going to be a few days before I try anything. I also need a couple of days without any engagements so that a bad shave and a few cuts won't matter if my temporary fix doesn't work.

Be patient, and wait for your next one to arrive. The 1912 is such a great shave . . . don't spoil the wonderful experience by trying to jerry-rig a broken razor just to try the shave . . . you will be glad you waited!!

My Gem Jr 1912 is absolutely my favorite razor . . . LOVE IT!! I can't imagine trying to shave with a bad one . . . :thumbdown
I believe it's caused from the pressure of the rear spring thingy that pushes the blade forward against those stops, after years and years of constant use those steel razors eventually cut through that thin brass.
They are truly awesome razors, I think you will enjoy the 1912 the member is going to send you...

...Ah the shaves are great! :001_tt1:
I believe it's caused from the pressure of the rear spring thingy that pushes the blade forward against those stops, after years and years of constant use those steel razors eventually cut through that thin brass.
That makes sense. I was just thinking they broke off from mishandling, maybe broke from being dropped. I think the blade at least starting that cut is very plausable.

They are truly awesome razors, I think you will enjoy the 1912 the member is going to send you...
...Ah the shaves are great! :001_tt1:

I love the micromatic, and I've heard from many that the 1912 is better. I can't wait. If I do love it, I will surely be on the lookout for more of them.

If I am able to locate any others at Antique stores, I will surely re-PIF one of them to pass on the members generosity.
Just an update and almost the end of my story: (I'm the second person who had the experience of finding one of the blade retaining tabs broken off after getting home.)

I repaired the razor by applying some solder with a small butane torch, then shaping it with a nail file. I don't imagine this will last very long, since the solder would be softer than the brass, but it seems OK for now.

I finally got around to shaving with it this Saturday (Treet blades from Rite Aid). Excellent excellent shave. No learning curve for me. I definitely will be looking for another one of these.

I'm happy to have something like this to look forward to. No need to respond with any offers, because I don't want to spoil the fun of the antique store search. :001_smile

Definitely :thumbup1: for the 1912.
Thanks for updating the thread. I got mine in the mail. It is great. I think my technique is off a little, but I'm getting better shaves with my micromatic.

On a side note, I tried using on of the broken ones. It had just enough of an edge to barely hold the blade. The shave was great! I tried to figure out what the difference was between that and the new 1912 I got sent to me. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that since the clip was gone the blade was much closer to the 'comb' than on the good one. Don't know if I should keep using it, but it sure was good.

Not sure if there is a way to get results like that from a good one.
I cannot believe my crummy luck.

I scouted the bay for more 1912s. I'm looking for another one so I can re-pif one. I found a good deal on a lot of a few razors and there was a 1912 in there. When it arrived yesterday, I discovered that it too has a broken off blade clip! How come I keep finding those? Maybe it is a sign that the 1912 is not for me?
I doubt if this would work. You'd have to get the solder shaped just right to hold the blade and the blade alignment would have to be perfect. I have an old Schick and the brass blade quides are worn. That made the alignment off and shaving with it was terrible.

+1 on the Schick. My lesson learned:

If buying from ebay, always ask the seller about the the stops or at least for a good picture. If I care, sometimes I don't care and just want an example for collecting.

If buying from a shop or flea market, as I'm picking it up, I first check for a blade (is the scene safe? :001_smile) and then rub my fingers where the stops ought to be, then a good visual inspection.

I cannot believe my crummy luck.

I scouted the bay for more 1912s. I'm looking for another one so I can re-pif one. I found a good deal on a lot of a few razors and there was a 1912 in there. When it arrived yesterday, I discovered that it too has a broken off blade clip! How come I keep finding those? Maybe it is a sign that the 1912 is not for me?

Nah, just a sign that a string of good luck is coming your way. :thumbup:

"When it arrived yesterday, I discovered that it too has a broken off blade clip! How come I keep finding those? Maybe it is a sign that the 1912 is not for me?"

I didn't realize there are so many broken ones out there? Well, at least you are getting them off the market.

I didn't realize there are so many broken ones out there? Well, at least you are getting them off the market.


Glad to be of service. :blush: :001_rolle

Anybody know where I can unload them? Certainly they are still good for a collector who is not going to use it.
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