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My first slim.. quick question..

for my first shave, would you adjust the razor between 1-9 before or after putting in a fresh blade, and if there's a blade in there, can you change the settings 'on the fly?' Thanks!
I think I tried my first shave with a Slim on a 3. That was pretty mild and I bumped it up to 5. You can change the setting with a blade in there, but just loosen the TTO knob a little bit. It's supposed to be easier on the springs to adjust when the razor isn't fully locked down.
Fresh blade, dialed in at 3-4 and go for it.. You don't want it to be too aggressive, being your first shave!

You can change the settings any time you like.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Adjust anytime, pre or post blade installation. Some folks suggest loosening the doors a bit before adjusting, then closing the doors back down tightly, just to avoid the possibility of strain on the razor.

Good luck, and let us know how the shave goes.


B&B membership has its percs
Loosen the doors before adjusting, I would start on 3 for a wispy beard, 5 for a thick one
for my first shave, would you adjust the razor between 1-9 before or after putting in a fresh blade, and if there's a blade in there, can you change the settings 'on the fly?' Thanks!
I started on 3, preferred 4 and found 5 a bit too aggressive. I kept it on one setting for the whole shave, but there's no reason you can't change settings during the shave. Play it safe and back off about half a turn before adjusting.
how much if any maintenance does a slim require if at all, any thoughts or ideas?

no more or less than any other. I'll always wipe mine down after use. Open it up after a few days or when it's time to use a new blade. clean out any accumulated gunk w/a toothbrush and cleanser-of-choice. Slims, like FatBoys et al, obviously have substantial mechanical intricacies in comparison to their non-adjustable brethren. Treat them with the respect they deserve.
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