Hello guys,
I've just received from Enchante my first Hydrolast products: cube, paste, cutting balm, finishing balm, tonic and aftershave conditioner. I decided to skip the cloth because I allready have a beautiful custom made brush from Bernd at Shavemac(27 mm diameter/45 mm loft knot in D01 silvertip, with metal handle). With that brush loaded with Musgo Real cream, Trumper's Coral Skin Food as pre-shave and an Edwin Jagger Chatsworth Metal/Derby blade combo I've got the best shaves of my life.
After reading all I can about RMWS and viewing all the videos available on that subject(including here the last videos from Charles) I consider myself ready to take the plunge. So ready that I've made my first mystake: I ordered Cutting Balm instead of Activator, which is the way to go if you want to build the lather with a brush.
First try with hydrolast product was last night. Initially I just want to exercise building the mix. I put the brush and the cube in a bowl filled with hot water for about three minutes. Then, without shaking the excess water from the brush I worked on the cube with circular motions. After adding a splash of hot water into the brush, I put a dab of paste in the breech and worked again with the cube. At that point I decided to work the lather in a bowl because I was under the impresion that a lot of the mix is wasted. With all my best efforts all I've got is a very runny mix, with a pinkish hue, most of that in the bowl, not in the brush.
A little dissapointed by the results, I remembered that is a very common result for those who tried building the mix. A beautiful mix like that posted by Mike Sandoval is very rare, especially if working without Activator. But hey, many of those dissapointed at first by the look of the mix were very happy with the end results. With that thing in mind, I wash my face with warm water and slag from the cube and then I proceed to lather. The mix quickly evaporated from my face. Doesn't matter, I've told myself, go on an cut the forms. Between forms my brush dried up and required to be reloaded from the cube several times. Another common result, I've thought. After the three forms I deed a touch up, this time using just slag, paste and cutting balm.
In the toning/conditioning sequence another, this time unexpected, dissapointment: the cooling effect of peppermint conditioner is almost non-existent.
In the end: a mediocre shave.
I have to mention that in my area the water is rather hard, but not so hard because I have never had problems lathering with other creams or soap.
I have a couple of questions for you guys:
1) I understand that is detrimental to the brush to use cutting balm when creating the mix. Can I use finishing balm instead or I have to order Activator?
2) Can I use the cutting balm the same way as a pre-shave oil or that will damage the brush also?
3) What about the inconsistent mix? I will consider using distiled water next time but if that will fail is such a terrible crime to add some "traditional" cream to the mix? After all, guys like Joel or Kyle seems to prefer that.
I've just received from Enchante my first Hydrolast products: cube, paste, cutting balm, finishing balm, tonic and aftershave conditioner. I decided to skip the cloth because I allready have a beautiful custom made brush from Bernd at Shavemac(27 mm diameter/45 mm loft knot in D01 silvertip, with metal handle). With that brush loaded with Musgo Real cream, Trumper's Coral Skin Food as pre-shave and an Edwin Jagger Chatsworth Metal/Derby blade combo I've got the best shaves of my life.
After reading all I can about RMWS and viewing all the videos available on that subject(including here the last videos from Charles) I consider myself ready to take the plunge. So ready that I've made my first mystake: I ordered Cutting Balm instead of Activator, which is the way to go if you want to build the lather with a brush.
First try with hydrolast product was last night. Initially I just want to exercise building the mix. I put the brush and the cube in a bowl filled with hot water for about three minutes. Then, without shaking the excess water from the brush I worked on the cube with circular motions. After adding a splash of hot water into the brush, I put a dab of paste in the breech and worked again with the cube. At that point I decided to work the lather in a bowl because I was under the impresion that a lot of the mix is wasted. With all my best efforts all I've got is a very runny mix, with a pinkish hue, most of that in the bowl, not in the brush.
A little dissapointed by the results, I remembered that is a very common result for those who tried building the mix. A beautiful mix like that posted by Mike Sandoval is very rare, especially if working without Activator. But hey, many of those dissapointed at first by the look of the mix were very happy with the end results. With that thing in mind, I wash my face with warm water and slag from the cube and then I proceed to lather. The mix quickly evaporated from my face. Doesn't matter, I've told myself, go on an cut the forms. Between forms my brush dried up and required to be reloaded from the cube several times. Another common result, I've thought. After the three forms I deed a touch up, this time using just slag, paste and cutting balm.
In the toning/conditioning sequence another, this time unexpected, dissapointment: the cooling effect of peppermint conditioner is almost non-existent.
In the end: a mediocre shave.
I have to mention that in my area the water is rather hard, but not so hard because I have never had problems lathering with other creams or soap.
I have a couple of questions for you guys:
1) I understand that is detrimental to the brush to use cutting balm when creating the mix. Can I use finishing balm instead or I have to order Activator?
2) Can I use the cutting balm the same way as a pre-shave oil or that will damage the brush also?
3) What about the inconsistent mix? I will consider using distiled water next time but if that will fail is such a terrible crime to add some "traditional" cream to the mix? After all, guys like Joel or Kyle seems to prefer that.