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My first encounter with an OC

So earlier today my 'New' Gillette OC razor came in the mail, along with my Futur. I debated on whether or not I should use the Futur or the OC all day, about 11 hours worth of waiting and thinking and trying to talk to co-workers who looked at me and said "I just use a hydro/fusion. You should try it, really good razor" to which I'd reply "yea but you've never had a REAL shave" and they'd walk away mumbling about oddness and the sort.

So needless to say, I had to stew for a very long time thinking about what to use when I got home tonight. I finally settled on using the OC since I already use a slim adjustable, and wanted to see if an OC was all that I've heard about. Boy should I have read some more.

Once I finally got home from work I got ready to shower and shave. Sterilized the razor, threw in a fresh Astra SP and got the bathroom nice and steamy hot to open up the pores. Threw on some shave foam (still waiting for my brush) and started shaving WTG, cheeks first, as I always do. It felt glorious. Felt like it was very mild. Since it felt so feather light, I thought to myself, a lil pressure couldn't hurt.

All was going quite swimmingly. And then it happened. Halfway through shaving my neck it felt like the blade slipped out, as if it were too shy to really say hello, and all of a sudden was extremely loud and boisterous, drunk on shaving foam. It increasingly went downhill from there. As I let up any pressure, and let the razors feather weight do all the work, the blade had other ideas.

Finally finished with my first pass, I had to go ATG. It's the only way to go for my beard. And I had to show this razor who was the boss around here. It could smell my fear, and I wouldn't let it win.

I relathered, and started my very light first run up my neck. It quickly became my last. Boy howdy did it hurt. I gently placed the fanged beast, and conceded. It had won. This time. I then apologized to my trusty slim adjustable, and promised I wouldn't neglect it again, and it let me have a slightly better shave, even though yhe damage was done.

I now lay here, burning face, wiser, more cautious, and ponder how to master this beast. I will master the OC. But not tonight. I will gently introduce this aggressive beast to my face. Allow it to become accustomed to its new master. Then, when the moment is right, I will strike out, and shave irritation free! I will not let my newfound fear of an OC control me as my fear of spiders does.
It will get better. I learned on a Merkur OC, so I didn't know any better, but I sure do remember having some bad shaves and some sore days and nights...burning neck and all. Sometimes I think it's a wonder I stuck with it. Even though the carts were bad, I never had THAT bad a burning shave. But on the flip side the good shaves are THAT much better, something a cart can likely never do.

Best of luck.
I really like the Israeli Red Personnas for the New. They are smooth as all get out from the get go, where the Astras always seem to need to smooth up on my face at first (no knock on them, they are my favorite blade).

The New is not an aggressive razor...compared to the Old type, anyway, but it does demand respect. Once mastered, they are great shavers.
I love my OCs, especially my many NEWs. The problem I see here is no brush and no proper soap/cream. You will be able to show that OC who is boss when you get a good brush and soap.
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Sorry to hear your experience was less than perfect. You are correct in very light pressure, and it sounds like you are still working on the perfect blade angle. If a shave is going badly, dont feel like you need to do more than one pass, because the more razor burn you get, the longer you have to wait until your next shave.

Once everything clicks that open comb really shines, but it does demand respect. Stay with it and you will master it. Good luck!
Thanks guys, hadnt had a chance to really check the thread again, but does a brush really make that much of a difference in your shave?
I believe a good brush makes a big difference. The brush will allow the lather to get under the hair and help your hair to stand a little farther from the skin. Also, a good cream or soap will help to add lubrication. I used my first OC last week and had no troubles at all due to a good beard prep. A good prep can seperate a good shave from a bad shave.
Hmm maybe I'll habe to order another brush that's not coming from china lol. Early July I should be having a brush shipped, if I'm lucky.

I use foam but ordered a sampler pack of TOBS shave creams and hopefully it'll help.
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