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My first DE shave

Well, been shaving with a straight for the last 3 weeks, got my Lord Tech today in the mail from ntguys. There was Lord Super Chrome in the razor packaging, figured I might as well try it before moving on to one of the other 7 brands I have.

I find my face likes Derby and Shark when used with my Parker SR. So we already know that at least 1 product coming out of the Lord factory works for me.

Shaved last night with a Derby, usually I'm good for 2 days between shaving, so I figured a day of growth would be a nice light test.

Lathered up with Proraso white, and went at it. 1 pass WTG, 1 pass XTG, 1 pass ATG on my face, and then touchup on the tough spots where my neck grows different angles in a couple spots. Took 3-4 strokes to figure out the angle on my face, and only a couple stokes on the neck to figure it out.
Few weepers around the mouth (which is normal for me), minor irritation at the edge of the jawline (one of my tough spots that I have to go over a couple times), but I managed to get a BBS without having to use a cartridge to touch up (I have been with the straight).

Not bad considering I spent 3-4 months on youtube before starting with a straight, and only watched 3-4 mantic59 vids today on youtube for this.

This may be the end of buying cartridges if I can find the blade that works in this with my face (Let's see how a Derby works next, means I only have to stock up on 1 blade). Lots of control and minor irritation. :thumbup:
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