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My First Blade Sampler

So when I first made the switch over to DE shaving, I made a rookie mistake of buying a bulk of Derby Extras. Being the cheapskate that I am and because I was getting decent shaves, I did not want to purchase other blades (With the exception of a pack of Merkurs, which I loathed). However, recently I decided to purchase a sampler pack and try a portion of the myriad of blades out there.


Let me know if they are any blades missing from my sampler that I have to try. Also, how many times should I use a blade that I know is not working well before I move on? And, how do I know I have found the perfect blade for me?
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I see your sampler doesn't have a pack of Red IP's in it. Many people on these forums really like those, so perhaps you should try them as well.

As for a blade that obviously doesn't give you a good shave, I tossed them right after a crappy shave. However, I would suggest trying another blade of the one you didn't like as sometimes you just get a bad blade.
Assuming you've got consistent prep, lather and technique ...

I think you have a nice start, and you may find what you like in that set. As for how long to use them, I've found that 2 weeks per brand is a good timeframe for evaluation. If something's really not working for you, you'll probably know after a week or so and you can move on to something else. Also, while it can be infrequent, sometimes blades within a pack can be inconsistent. If, after three blades in a pack, you're not satisfied, that's probably an indicator that you're ready to try something else.

Also, try to use the same razor for that timeframe, and for as long as you're trying out different blades... whatever your preferred razor is. Some blades perform better in some razors over others. If I'm trying a new blade, I always put it in a slim, because I like slims a lot, and I don't want to introduce any other variables to complicate the evaluation.

Kenstee raises some valid points about taking blade reviews with a grain of salt. However, there are some brands that seem to do very well for a broad range of people. Red-pack Israeli Personnas are one, Crystals, Sharks and Iridium Supers are others. The Astras and 7 o'clock yellows (both are in your set) are similarly well thought-of. You needn't think that you absolutely must try everything. Once you find a couple brands that work well for you on a consistent basis, that may be the end of the road.

Personally, I don't think that there's one specific, perfect blade that's right for a person. It's most likey that there are a range of brands that will work. You can cut out a third of all brands by cost alone, and that can help narrow the search a bit. Some folks have to try everything, but the goal is consistent, close, comfortable shaves. If you're constantly switching out blades every 1-2 weeks for a year in search of the perfect blade, your shaves won't be consistent.

Hope it helps,
-- Chet
Thanks for the help everyone. Hopefully, finding a group of adequate razors will be easier since I am only using one razor (a Merkur long-handle). Also, I will look into trying the blades Chester mentioned as having general praise.

Looks like I still have some experimentation work that needs to be done (with new cream, soaps, and Aftershaves as well. I am trying the 7 O'clocks and Astras first, I'll keep you informed on how it goes.
how many times should I use a blade that I know is not working well before I move on? And, how do I know I have found the perfect blade for me?
I usually toss a blade as soon as it starts tugging or is uncomfortable to shave with, even if that means changing out blades in the middle of a shave, or even in the middle of a pass. I figure blades are cheap, so why should I suffer from one that doesn't work? Of course, then I will revisit that brand at another time just to make sure it wasn't some sort of weird anomaly.

You will only know that you have found the perfect blade for you after you have tried all available blades on the face of the planet.:w00t: Hurry, because your time starts...NOW!:lol::lol:
If you have different razors you will find out that each razor may have a different perfect blade for you. Sorry to increase the complexity, but to use some overused marketing term, "It's a System between the blade and razor."
... Let me know if they are any blades missing from my sampler that I have to try. Also, how many times should I use a blade that I know is not working well before I move on? And, how do I know I have found the perfect blade for me?

Work your through your on-hand selection. Each one of those has its fans (and detractors) but you will know when you have reached DE Nirvana.

By a process of elimination, figure out your fave blade. Then, get other brands and repeat.

Suggestions from me? Red Pack Personna, Israeli Blues which are also packaged as Crystals, Nacet, Shark, Gillette Greens from India or Russia, Wilkinson, and the one I find so far to work well across my collection, the U.S.-made Personnas, AKA "Barber Personnas", and sold as the house brand in Walgreen's, RiteAid, and many supermarket chains across the States. (If you like them, they and their blue Israeli cousins are available quite cheaply in bulk from plenty of reputable online vendors.)

Happy hunting! Take it slow and steady!
So I gave every razor in the sampler two shaves (can't really account for the longevity of the blades) and here is my verdict:

Lords: Noticeable tug, not very smooth or sharp. Honestly, if these were replaced by Derby's I would not be able to tell the difference.

Dorco: My next least favorite. I had several nicks and cuts and a very uncomfortable shave.

7 AMs: For some reason I had very low expectations for these blades as nobody on the forum really swears by them and their South Asian place of manufacturing. However, these blades highly outperformed my expectations and were probably the smoothest blades in the samples.

Astras: Relatively sharp but not as smooth as expected. A few minor nicks.

Feathers: I see how they get their samurai sharp reputation. Did the best job of cutting the small whiskers around my chin (a normal trouble spot). Pretty smooth.

7 O'Clocks: My favorite blade of the sampler. Best mix of smoothness and sharpness. I may have stumbled on my ideal blade.

To Try: Personna IPs, Sharks, Iridium Supers.
The 7:00 blades are all fine. Which do you like best?

Oh, and by all means, keep sampling. Take your current favorite, use it as the standard against which you judge and keep going. You just might find something even better. Blade evaluation is not an event; it's a process! Enjoy it!
7 O'Clocks: My favorite blade of the sampler. Best mix of smoothness and sharpness. I may have stumbled on my ideal blade.
Cool! I'm glad you found your ideal blade - I think many others would agree with your choice! Which 7 O'Clocks were those?

I'm still looking for my ideal blade. In the 7 O'Clock family, I've tried the Green Super Stainless (Russia), and there's a Green PermaSharp (India) in my razor right now. Yellow SharpEdges (Russia) and Black Super Platinums (India) are in the queue!
Cool! I'm glad you found your ideal blade - I think many others would agree with your choice! Which 7 O'Clocks were those?

I'm still looking for my ideal blade. In the 7 O'Clock family, I've tried the Green Super Stainless (Russia), and there's a Green PermaSharp (India) in my razor right now. Yellow SharpEdges (Russia) and Black Super Platinums (India) are in the queue!

They were the Yellow SharpEdges. I also have to try the other members of the family.

Good Luck finding the blade that fits you!!
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