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My first attempt

Hello All,

I have been lurking in the straight razor section for a while now. I switched over from throw away razors to DE a couple of months ago or more and have been getting some fantastic shaves from my Edwin Jagger DL89. I just couldn't help but wonder how using a straight would be.

After a lot of research about what razor to get and where to buy if from I settled on buying from Larry@Whippeddog. First off what a heck of a guy to deal with. He is a true ambassador to the straight shaving world. A great gentleman to say the least.

I ended up getting a Griffon Cutlery Works 11/16ths razor. Received it in short order, got it in today. Turns out the pic on Larry's site didn't do it any justice. Seems to me I got a real good looker in.



I just had to give it a go. At first my intentions were to just try the right hand side burn area. Well I couldn't just stop there :biggrin1: I ended up doing two full passes, one n/s and one on both cheek areas e/w. Oh boy is this darn thing sharp :w00t:

I can't say I got as good a shave as I do with the DE razor but I figured this going in. What I did get was a pretty respectable shave. It wasn't with out incident however, two weepers and a very small nick. The nick was a reminder to me to pay attention to what the heck I'm doing.

One thing I just could not do, use the left hand. I felt like I had no control with the left hand so I did the entire shave with my right hand. Man was I ever so anxious too. By the end of the second pass I seem to settle down a bit.

I could also use some advice on skin stretching. No matter how much I read and watched videos I still find it hard to do.

Over all I'm quite pleased with my purchase and first time shave.

Thanks to all that has contributed to this forum. Without it there is NO WAY I would have had the knowledge and nerve to give this a go.

Once again, Thanks Larry.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Welcome to B&B!

Using both hands isn't easy at first but you need to do it and it will become easier in ~5 shaves.

For the stretching, you don't need to pinch and pull, I often press and push the skin (up/down/left/right). I try to work toward the middle so I push on the outside where there's no lather and work toward the inside. When the other thing happens (going the other way) I try to stretch the skin by looking up/left/right, push my jaw out, etc.

Try not to shave toward your fingers.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Yeah, the left hand thing takes some time to master. It does get easier with practice.
Welcome to straight shaving. That sounds like an excellent start. I'm going to go against the consensus and say that you don't need to use both hands. I don't. I'm left handed and I only use my left. It probably takes me longer to shave than people that do use both hands but if all things come together, I can get BBS.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Welcome to straight shaving. That sounds like an excellent start. I'm going to go against the consensus and say that you don't need to use both hands. I don't. I'm left handed and I only use my left. It probably takes me longer to shave than people that do use both hands but if all things come together, I can get BBS.

This is totally right!

You don't have to use both hands... It's a choice more than anything. If I would be using a traditional Japanese straight, I would use it with one hand only. However, it's easier for me to use both hands... Having that said, I don't exclusively shave with my left on the left side and right on the right side...
I started out using both hands. It took a little getting used to, but I would recommend it. I can't imagine how it wouldn't give you more flexibility with your shaves. If your skin stretching issues seem to stem from slippery fingers, I would suggest an alum block. Just rub your fingers on the block, and they will stick to your face as if you were spiderman! Welcome to the world of straight shaving.

BTW, I agree. Larry is great!
Congrats! I've had a hard time using my left hand too...just too shaky and uncertain. And I've gotten decent shaves that have continuously improved in the past week, so I'm not willing to mess with a good thing just yet. :tongue_sm Good luck going forward...you'll definitely notice rapid improvements as you gain confidence and realize that you're not going to remove your face.

And another +1 for Larry...the guy is awesome!
Thanks for all the feedback fellas. Going to order some alum block today and give it a try.
excellent start, it felt awful klutzy with both hands to start but i sure am glad that i stayed with it as sometimes my off hand feels better than my dominant one now. good luck with whatever you choose. and the alum trick works well also.
Congrats, sounds like you are off to a good start! Keep at it and you will find what works best for you :001_smile.
I got my third shave in today and was able to use the left hand on the cheek area with success. I skipped a day as I was a bit to aggressive the day before and got some burn, especially in the chin and neck area. Today I tried to concentrate more on angle and pressure. I'm happy to say no burn to speak of but on the downside an few more nicks than before, nothing serious but still was a bit disappointing.

I suppose it goes with the learning curve. On a positive note; the shave was darn near DE in quality so at least the shave itself is looking better.
This is totally right!

You don't have to use both hands... It's a choice more than anything. If I would be using a traditional Japanese straight, I would use it with one hand only. However, it's easier for me to use both hands... Having that said, I don't exclusively shave with my left on the left side and right on the right side...

This is good advice. I'm right handed, but there are times, and certain parts of my face that are easier to shave by using my left hand. There's no right or wrong, or one area should be done with your right/left hand. I just do what works best for me. It took a little time to get used to using my left hand, but it came together quickly and is no problem now. Just find whatever works the best for you and make it part of your shave routine. You'll find what works best for you, and that includes which hand to use, how to hold the straight, etc., etc., etc. Just go easy and enjoy the learning process. :thumbup1:
Well done, and a nice little razor you have there, i am still using only my right hand, i get good shaves this way, though i am trying to bring my left hand into the shaves, but a big struggle at the moment, but i will say, my left hand is useless at what ever i try to do with it:lol:
Sounds like a great start. Even after a couple of months (weekend shaves) I can't get as good a shave with a straight as I do with a Merkur Futur and 7 o'clock blade, its quite a learning curve and I do get an awesome shave from the Futur so that might be part of it :lol:

Do stick with the swapping hand though, it feels impossible to start with but it gets a lot easier. Practice makes perfect and you'll find the methods that work best for you over time.


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