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My Favorite Non-Chubby Simpsons.so far.

I continue to buy, sell and trade...like many others here do. So far, for "non-Chubby" Simpsons, these are 4 that I can highly recommend.

From left to right: 22mm Colonel Ehsan 2 Band, 24mm Duke 3 Super 2 Band Butterscotch, 26mm Simpson 59 2 Band and a 28mm Simfix Carnane 2 Band.

All four of these brushes have ample backbone, soft tips and each one feels incredibly good in the hand - although each of the four certainly have a different "feel" about them. I'm a soap using/face lather guy and each of these should be on your "to try" list at some point. I have 5 Chubbys currently - but without question - you don't have to have a Simpson Chubby to have an excellent Simpson Brush.



Samjax: Nice looking non-Chubs. As another soap/face latherer, I am curious which of those 4 gets the most use from you, and if you don't mind explaining, "why"?

I'm very much in the 3-Band camp given that I bowl lather uniquely, and it's interesting to see that three of my favourite Simpsons (Duke 3, Colonel and Fifty Series) are in the 4 you recommend.

I'd add a PJ2, Tulip 3 and Commodore X3 (all in 3-Band) to the list as well. :001_smile
Very nice lineup, but what's wrong with the chubbs? Don't get me wrong the duke is a great brush but I love my chubby

Nothing wrong with the Chubbs! I have a Chubby 3 in Super and in Best and a Chubby 2 in Super and in 2 Band. Just sold a couple of others - great brushes - just different.

Of everything I currently own, the Simfix is probably my overall favorite. It does everything pretty much "perfect," at least on my face. The Duke 3 2 Band is literally, a smaller version of the Simfix. Hard to go wrong with either.
Those are some heavy hitters right there. I love me some 2 banders without a doubt! You need a Tulip 3 in 2 band, and then you'll have found your non-chubby favorite...
Nice linup. The only non-Chubby I have now is an Eagle G3. It is a nice brush, but ya got to love the Chubbies. I have Chubby 1, Chubby 2 and Chubby 3 Somerset era in Best (see avatar pic) and they all get pretty constant use in the rotation, but the 2 probably gets the most use.
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