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My box of blades fell in the sink

I was mid-shave a few days ago and had forgotten to put the box of Feather blades back into the cupboard after loading a new one. Somehow, the box fell into my sink full of water :thumbdown . I shook the water out and tried to get the moisture out but didn't think to take the wrapped blades and dry them individually with a towel until just now. Do you think this will have done any damage? I can't be sure if the wrapping is effective enough in keeping out moisture. Has this happened to anyone else or am I alone in my carelessness?
After 4-5 days use, I notice some faint rusting on my Feathers. Stainless steel truely is stainLESS steel, it CAN rust. I would take the wrappers off the blades and make sure there is not moisture in contact with them.
I just double checked them and thankfully there were only 2 blades left in the box, so not too much damage if any. They seemed no worse for the wear, and I guess I'll find out if there were any negative effects whenever I replace the blade :glare:
Just chuck the whole box in the oven on low for half an hour. That'll dry them out.

Stainless steel does indeed rust, just a lot slower. I was under the impression that the coating on blades was there to protect them while in storage.
I had a box of Feathers fall in the washer once. I didn't notice and washed a load of clothes with them in it. When I found them I thought I'd have to throw them out, but they were totally fine.
And how were the clothes?? :lol:


gallon size ziploc bag, and a pound or two of fresh dry rice. The rice will absorb the moisture.

Works well with cell phones that get dunked too.
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