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My bathroom smells incredible

Like someone just delivered a huge bouquet of flowers to an Indian restaurant?

Just kidding, sorry for you loss. That's my favorite Le Labo.
Like someone just delivered a huge bouquet of flowers to an Indian restaurant?

Just kidding, sorry for you loss. That's my favorite Le Labo.

I've just been told there is good luck waiting around the corner.

Ya, it's a good one, i'm covered in it - please picture a grown dude rolling in broken glass on the bathroom floor.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
Because large decant of Le Labo's Rose 31 just shattered on the floor.

You know there are cheaper ways to make a bathroom smell better. Sorry for your loss. I'm hoping to get Santal 33 for my Bday to go with my Rose 31.
Happened to me with a small decant of Geranium Pour Monsieur. Probably about three weeks later now and I still miss it.

A fallen soldier and a mighty strong one at that!

I'm a firm believer in the idea that fallen frags are a sign of luck to come.
Don't cry over spilt milk, it could have been whisky!

At least you and the bathroom smell good. Imagine if it had been a jug of the Veg.

:lol: i went ahead and had my share of bourbon this evening, just to insure the veg need not share an extra drop.

thank you Rare Breed :smile:
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