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My AR15 Adventure at Bass Pro

I just recently purchased this Remmy AR 15 style rifle, something I think would be a good coyote rifle;


I know you are thinking that my timing could not be worse, but I have bonus money coming and always wanted one of these. So in December, I was running around trying to find an AR platform varmitter and only finding inflated prices and lack of stock everywhere. Having given up, I considered another bolt action rifle and was over at Bass Pro. Then - shasam! There in the rack is an AR rifle, slightly below MSRP instead of double MSRP!!

So I get in line (the store is not real busy this night) and ask to look at at it when they call my number. The counter guy (who seemed very knowledgeable) told me that up until last week, they had Bushmaster and DPMS rifles in stock. I'm thinking to myself "You're f*** kidding me!". They were due to get more in, but he could not say if the ETA would be 2 days or 2 months. He said he did not like the Remmy because (1) the cammo pattern, and (2) it's 223 Rem only; not chambered for 5.56. Also, he thought perhaps I could get something better for the money.

"Really?" I thought. All of the AR rifles I saw previously were like $2500+, if you could find one. Anyways, I still decided to do some research before buying; not to mention have all my ducks in a line for the paper work and background check requirements. They have 7 of these Remmy's in stock, so I figure at least one will still be there.

I decide there is no reason not to buy it; it meets all my specs (other than the trigger sounds mediocre; it's not a 2 stage trigger). So I go back the next day, DD214 in hand (proof of prior military service), and see lots of people. I take a number; 70, and notice they are serving number 45! CRAP - I am going to be here a while. And OBTW - I have not told my wife about this yet. :scared: I look on the rack, the AR is still there and there are three more boxed on the shelf below. Good! So I browsed the fire arms and hunting bow area while remaining within ear shot. Chatted with a guy who really needed a bath; but owned a lot of land and was telling me about the bucks and the coyotes he'd seen lately, and how is was concerned the coyotes would get his dog.

I finally get up there after about 90 minutes. I tell the guy (a different guy from last night) I am interested in the Remmy. Like the other guy, he's not real keen on this rifle, but this guy says new Bushmasters will be in stock in 2 days. I'm now wondering if this guy just does not want to do the paperwork because it's a busy night. Also, the other guy told me they had scores of weapons in storage awaiting background checks, so I am thinking this would be just one more.

After filling out all of the paperwork, the guy tells me that it will be 21 business days before the background check will be complete because the local state police is running behind. Pretty much what I expected, based on what the other salesman told me the night before.

So now I am off looking for a scope and will probably put a Timney trigger on it, as I don't think I will like the 6.5 lbs stock trigger, despite Remmington's glowing write up to the contrary. I like the cammo pattern though. :001_cool:

The fun begins ...


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Hey lucky you!!:thumbup1:

Waiting is the hardest part. In Hawaii we have a 2 week waiting period for all handguns. So we need to buy the thing, then stand in line to apply for a permit. Go back in 2 weeks and stand in line to pick up the permit. Then get the gun, and go back and stand in line for a third time to register the thing. By the third trip you wonder if a handgun is worth all the hassle.

Long guns are a bit less hassle.


I wanna be sedated!
I think you will like the Remmy. How many folks really use 5.56? Great find congrats.

In Texas you can walk in and out with a gun in about an hour if they are not real busy. I am not syre my CHL took 21 days. :biggrin:
Here in Florida if you have a ccw *(like me... Yeah!) you fill out the paperwork and they call the sheriffs dept and 3 mins later you leave with your new weapon... Handgun or rifle or whatever....

I love Florida...
Here in Florida if you have a ccw *(like me... Yeah!) you fill out the paperwork and they call the sheriffs dept and 3 mins later you leave with your new weapon... Handgun or rifle or whatever....

I love Florida...

I am with you my friend. Unfortunately, moving to Florida for me is not an option right now. But - I did grow up in Florida and at times miss it.
Thanks for the advice on triggers; will look into it. The Timney trigger is a bit pricey (seems to me at least).


I wanna be sedated!
Here in Florida if you have a ccw *(like me... Yeah!) you fill out the paperwork and they call the sheriffs dept and 3 mins later you leave with your new weapon... Handgun or rifle or whatever....

I love Florida...

Texas is about the same. So was Missouri. Gotta love the South.
I should have worded that better. Since he was looking for a varmit rifle I think most use. 223 Remmington.

I was agreeing with you on that... "I" use 5.56 for serious purposes but the coyote won't know the difference.

Though my last coyote was with a 7mm Mauser and she never knew what hit her.

I have sitting in a box:

1. A Vortex Viper HS 2.5 - 10 x 44 Scope
2. A Burris PEPR AR scope mount
3. A Sight Mark reflex red dot to mount on top of the PEPR.
4. A Super Sling 2+ black nylon webbing sling
5. 100 rounds of .223 to get her sighted in


This is a fire arms-hostile place where I live.
Here in Florida if you have a ccw *(like me... Yeah!) you fill out the paperwork and they call the sheriffs dept and 3 mins later you leave with your new weapon... Handgun or rifle or whatever....

I love Florida...

It's about like that in Alabama, IF you can find something to buy. The stores are just about empty of everything.

Gotta love the South!
It'll come and the wait WILL be worth it. Lucky enough to live in MS where if you have your CCW you just fill out the paperwork, no phone calls, and you are on your way.

As far as the quality, that is up in the air, if there is something you find out absolutely do not like it can always be replaced in the AR platform. Especially since you got such a good deal on it, very justifiable IMO.
In the great state of Nevada, all CCW permitholders do not have to go through a background check, since they've had one done by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. Everyone does have to register all handguns within 72 hours. Rifles and shotguns are not registered here at all.
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