5: would be my first shave. Edge shaving gel on a dry face, scraped off with my dad's Sensor Excel, equipped with a week-old blade. Everyone thought I was sunburned for two days.
4: The only time I've ever actually CUT myself with a razor. I was seventeen. I wanted to see my girlfriend BAD. She lived 45 minutes away. My high school was in between her house and my house. I got out of school, broke the speed limit on my way home, changed clothes a la Bruce Almighty, applied a heavy dose of Axe, lathered up, drug a Mach 3 around my face for awhile, and proceeded to almost cut myself a new mouth between my old one and my nose. Somehow it didn't scar. I wear a moustache now.
3: Late January, 2008. I was hospitalized for a nervous breakdown. A can of hospital-brand barbasol. A razor they feel comfortable letting a suicide risk use. cold water.
2: Probably my favorite memory on this list. Late October, 2007, I had already experienced most of the causes for the nervous breakdown in #3. My acedemic career at ERAU Daytona was going south faster than a rocket-powered duck, taking my professional career with it. Most of it had to do with incompetant doctors. I was allowed to suffer for more than a year from appendicitis. This in addition to the usual crap that bothers a college student. My girlfriend left me for some other guy. One of my friends almost got me into a metric shedload of trouble. My (alaskan) roommate kept the dorm room at 44 degrees. I was expected to pass a differential Calculus class taught by a guy who *thought* he could speak english and write legibly.
Just before Halloween I got fed up. I loaded some stuff into my saddle bags and peeled out. I headed south on I-95. A fantasy developed in my head, one that involved changing my name, turning in my pilot certificates and getting a bartending job in Miami. That kept me going all the way to West Palm Beach, when the combination of cotton underwear and faux-leather saddle outweighed the angst.
I turned back and, after 5 hours in the saddle, I stopped at a rest stop just south of Cocoa beach. I slept that night on a 4 foot by 2 foot concrete bench with no back under a buzzing flourescent lamp. I woke up at 4:45 AM, I breakfasted on one of those Lance "peanuts n' super glue" "candy" bars and a warm half a vanilla coke I had in my tank bag, I emptied my camel bak and filled it with fresh water from a water fountain, and went to the bathroom.
The tap only had cold water. I washed my face with that blue wall dispenser hand soap, lathered up with the same soap, shaved with my pocket knife, walked out to my bike, got out my first aid kit, and used some of the rubbing alcohol as aftershave. Then I drove back to Daytona and went to class.
<timpini>And the winner, of the worst shave ever, is...</timpini>
Tonight I tried Kyle's prep with a fresh Walgreen's blade in a Gillette SS Silvertip, C&E Nomad soap and a C&E best badger brush.
I've been using this setup for about a month now. I usually shower, wash my face in the shower with bath soap, wash my face again after the shower with shave soap, wipe that clean with a warm wet towel, lather up and shave, 2 passes and a touch-up pass. I don't bother with the N-S pass because I shave every day and the N-S pass doesn't cut anything. I go jaw to nose, then ear to chin, then touch up ATG.
Tonight I took a dry face and did the lather, massage, hot towel procedure exactly as laid out here: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=9745
Yes. Kyle's prep with a highly rated soap, brush and razor, with so-so blades did worse than rest stop soap and a liner-lock pocket knife.
You know, I got into wet shaving for the economy of it. DE blades are cheap, soaps last a long time. The "luxury" and "skill" aspects were bonuses I would accept.
The DE either shaves more comfortable than the M3, but leaves my face feeling like extra course sand paper, or shaves closer, but makes my alcohol-free aloe-based shave balm burn.
And the only time I've ever not nicked myself 5 times with that damn thing is practicing blade angles without a blade in the razor. I always get the exact same 5 weepers in the exact same places on my Adam's apple. Now either they're a map to 5 points that lead to the Meaning of Life(TM), or my technique sucks.
Tonight convinced me to see what I look like with a full beard.
4: The only time I've ever actually CUT myself with a razor. I was seventeen. I wanted to see my girlfriend BAD. She lived 45 minutes away. My high school was in between her house and my house. I got out of school, broke the speed limit on my way home, changed clothes a la Bruce Almighty, applied a heavy dose of Axe, lathered up, drug a Mach 3 around my face for awhile, and proceeded to almost cut myself a new mouth between my old one and my nose. Somehow it didn't scar. I wear a moustache now.
3: Late January, 2008. I was hospitalized for a nervous breakdown. A can of hospital-brand barbasol. A razor they feel comfortable letting a suicide risk use. cold water.
2: Probably my favorite memory on this list. Late October, 2007, I had already experienced most of the causes for the nervous breakdown in #3. My acedemic career at ERAU Daytona was going south faster than a rocket-powered duck, taking my professional career with it. Most of it had to do with incompetant doctors. I was allowed to suffer for more than a year from appendicitis. This in addition to the usual crap that bothers a college student. My girlfriend left me for some other guy. One of my friends almost got me into a metric shedload of trouble. My (alaskan) roommate kept the dorm room at 44 degrees. I was expected to pass a differential Calculus class taught by a guy who *thought* he could speak english and write legibly.
Just before Halloween I got fed up. I loaded some stuff into my saddle bags and peeled out. I headed south on I-95. A fantasy developed in my head, one that involved changing my name, turning in my pilot certificates and getting a bartending job in Miami. That kept me going all the way to West Palm Beach, when the combination of cotton underwear and faux-leather saddle outweighed the angst.
I turned back and, after 5 hours in the saddle, I stopped at a rest stop just south of Cocoa beach. I slept that night on a 4 foot by 2 foot concrete bench with no back under a buzzing flourescent lamp. I woke up at 4:45 AM, I breakfasted on one of those Lance "peanuts n' super glue" "candy" bars and a warm half a vanilla coke I had in my tank bag, I emptied my camel bak and filled it with fresh water from a water fountain, and went to the bathroom.
The tap only had cold water. I washed my face with that blue wall dispenser hand soap, lathered up with the same soap, shaved with my pocket knife, walked out to my bike, got out my first aid kit, and used some of the rubbing alcohol as aftershave. Then I drove back to Daytona and went to class.
<timpini>And the winner, of the worst shave ever, is...</timpini>
Tonight I tried Kyle's prep with a fresh Walgreen's blade in a Gillette SS Silvertip, C&E Nomad soap and a C&E best badger brush.
I've been using this setup for about a month now. I usually shower, wash my face in the shower with bath soap, wash my face again after the shower with shave soap, wipe that clean with a warm wet towel, lather up and shave, 2 passes and a touch-up pass. I don't bother with the N-S pass because I shave every day and the N-S pass doesn't cut anything. I go jaw to nose, then ear to chin, then touch up ATG.
Tonight I took a dry face and did the lather, massage, hot towel procedure exactly as laid out here: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=9745
Yes. Kyle's prep with a highly rated soap, brush and razor, with so-so blades did worse than rest stop soap and a liner-lock pocket knife.
You know, I got into wet shaving for the economy of it. DE blades are cheap, soaps last a long time. The "luxury" and "skill" aspects were bonuses I would accept.
The DE either shaves more comfortable than the M3, but leaves my face feeling like extra course sand paper, or shaves closer, but makes my alcohol-free aloe-based shave balm burn.
And the only time I've ever not nicked myself 5 times with that damn thing is practicing blade angles without a blade in the razor. I always get the exact same 5 weepers in the exact same places on my Adam's apple. Now either they're a map to 5 points that lead to the Meaning of Life(TM), or my technique sucks.
Tonight convinced me to see what I look like with a full beard.