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My 40-Day Blade Sampler Log



So I ordered a 20 blade sampler pack a week ago and they just arrived. I'll be testing a new blade every second day. Just thought I track and share the results.

The Blades:

Astra Superior Platinum
Astra Superior Stainless
Derby Extra (Sept. 16/2010) (0/5)
Feather Hi-Stainless
Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge
LORD Platinum
LORD Platinum Class
LORD Super Stainless
LORD Classic
Shark Super Chrome
Shark Super Stainless
Super Max Platinum
Super Max Stainless


September 16, 2010 - DERBY EXTRA

Rating: 0/5

Terrible results. Extreme skipping on my coarse 1 day beard growth. Gave up after 4-5 nicks.
Wow - skipping?! I've experienced skipping before, too, and it has caused the blade to nick me. But, I found that (for me) the blade isn't what caused the skipping. My razor tends to skip (regardless of blade) if my lather ends up being a little too thin. Adding some soap/cream to thicken it usually corrects things.

Could this be the problem? Of course, this is one of those ubiquitous YMMV situations.


September 18, 2010 - Feather Hi-Stainless

Rating: 3/5

What a difference. Same prep, no skipping, if anything a bit too sharp. First pass WTG was pretty good, second pass ATG was a little bit hard on my skin.

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September 16, 2010 - DERBY EXTRA

Rating: 0/5

Terrible results. Extreme skipping on my coarse 1 day beard growth. Gave up after 4-5 nicks.

Derbys are garbage IMO. They never skipped on me, but they do tear me up like they have a barbed wire finish on the tips.


September 19, 2010 - Astra Superior Platinum

Rating: 4/5

Is my technique improving or is it these blades? Another huge step forward. My tech didn't even feel like it had a blade in it, so smooth. Supposed to try out a blade every second day, but I couldn't wait. Still feeling the effects of the first-day derby, time to give the face a couple days rest.

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It is hard to tell if it the blade or technique. You may want to consider making your blade order similar to how fantasy drafts are operated. On your second run through the blades, invert the order in which you use them. This will help to control for changes in your technique with time.
September 19, 2010 - Astra Superior Platinum

Rating: 4/5

Is my technique improving or is it these blades? Another huge step forward. My tech didn't even feel like it had a blade in it, so smooth. Supposed to try out a blade every second day, but I couldn't wait. Still feeling the effects of the first-day derby, time to give the face a couple days rest.


I would have to agree with you on these. Havnt been wet shaving with a DE very long, but i started with a Lord Stainless that came with my razor, then went on to a Astra SP. Nice clean shave.
Then tried the Astra SS. Not so nice. Realy needed a second pass to get a cleanish shave.
Tonight i just tried the Shark Super Stainless tonight. Nothing to write home about. Probably up there with the Astra SS.
Will see how i go on my next shave with it.


September 21, 2010 - Shark Super Stainless

Rating: 4/5

Very similar to the last blade, the Astra SP. Felt as sharp, maybe a little more, but the Astra was a bit smoother.

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September 22, 2010 - Shark Super Chrome

Rating: 4/5

Felt just like the Astra SP.


September 24, 2010 - Astra Superior Stainless

Rating: 4/5

Again, felt similar to the last 3 shave, Astra SP, Shark Chrome and Stainless. Good.


September 25, 2010 - Gillette 7 O'Clock

Rating: 4/5

Another good one. In-line with the previous 4 shaves.


September 27, 2010 - Trig Silver Edge Stainless Blade

Rating: 3/5

Had four good shaves in a row with the Astras, Sharks and the Gillette. I was getting worried as everything started to provide very similar shaves.

I was happy when I arrived at the Trig. The shave was definitely below the previous ones and it makes this sampler more fulfilling knowing there is a blade that is likely more suited to my skin/beard. The Trig reminded me of a cross between the Derby and the Feather.


September 29, 2010 - Treet Classic

Rating: 3.75/5

Not bad. A slight notch under my top choices so far.


September 30, 2010 - Lord Super Chrome

Rating: 3.0/5

Another step down. A bit too rough.
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Wasn't expecting much from the last LORD so I gave all these portions of my first pass.

October 1, 2010 - LORD Platinum Class (White)

Rating: 3.25/5

Rough, needed more smoothness. Out.

October 1, 2010 - Blue Bird

Rating: 3.75/5

Willing to give it another shot. Close to smooth.

October 1, 2010 - Crown

Rating: 3.75/5

Willing to give it another shot. Close to smooth.

October 1, 2010 - Big Ben

Rating: 3.0/5

No sir. Too rough.


October 2, 2010 - Asco

Rating: 2.75/5


October 3, 2010 - Super Max Platinum

Rating: 2.50/5

Surprisingly smooth, but was barely cutting on the first pass.

October 4, 2010 - Super Max Stainless

Rating: 2.50/5

Surprisingly smooth, but was barely cutting on the first pass.

October 5, 2010 - Kai

Rating: 3.75/5

Will give it another shot.
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