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MWF questions

I have ordered MWF and the ceramic bowl. I noticed that the puck is smaller than the bowl. Does the puck stick in the bowl with some water? Do you grate it to get an edge to edge fit?
I add a splash of warm water to the puck while I soak my brush. Some of the water naturally runs to the bottom of the dish, get under the puck and acts as an adhesive. You shouldn't need anything more complex than that.
You can put a little bit of water in the bottom of the dish and leave it overnight and the puck should stay put in the morning.
For normal use I put a small splash of hot water on the top of the puck while my brush soaks. While loading the brush I hold the bowl upside down during the second half of loading the brush. The cuts down on the water left in the bowl because the puck swells and holds water very well over time.If I use the soap daily I would leave the lid off but if I only use it once or twice in a week I leave the lid on between shaves.
Do you guys let it dry out before putting the lid back on after use?

No. MWF loves water. You'll want to put the lid back on as soon as you're done. Using the soap for extended periods of time and keeping the puck moist will help give you great lather and make it easier to load.
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