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MWF question?

I have been trying out the fat this last week and love it....except I have experienced one thing that is frustrating me. I get a great first lather. Nice and slick...lasting through the first pass. The issue comes with the subsequent passes. Following applications dry out on my face. I have not experienced it like this with any other product. I love MWF on the first pass and would like to figure out how to get it the same for a couple more passes.

When using it I have been trying to make sure I adequately load the brush. I then mix it in a bowl to better control the water level. Like I said, the first pass is to die for but after that...it kills me!

Any suggestions would be welcome.
I agree, it is a great soap and it is one of my favorites. It seems to draw more lathering angst than most other soaps. I find that I have the best success by face lathering with MWF and the same holds true for other soaps as well. YMMV :001_rolle I have also found that I have to pay more attention to the amount of water that I use and be certain that I adequately load the brush. Try a few different techniques and you will be well rewarded.

Enjoy your shaves


Had exactly the same issue when I started using MWF, there is one simple solution... face lather.

When I used a mug or bowl to mix up the lather it would work ok, and then dry out as u described. I find with face lathering its very slick on the first application, then what I do is wash my face off with a hot wash cloth, then reapply using your brush (I find a boar brush helps slightly better for soaps due to its scrubbing action).

You should not have to rinse out your brush, then put a load more soap on. If you put enough soap on, say 40 - 50 swirls then you'll have more than enough for 4 passes, if not more.

Hope this helps.
It seems to dry out a bit for me as well, even with just face lathering. When I'm using a straight, I go pretty slow, so it seems to dry out more this way. In that case, I just lather up the dry area again when it comes to work on that part of my face.
Interesting...thanks. I will try face lathering and see how that works. If anyone else has any insight I would love to hear it. I know there are a lot of MWF fans out there!
I have tremendous performance with MWF after struggling with it for a while. Try face lathering adding a little water at a time. Try working the lather on your face more than you may think. Keep going until the consistency is of wet yogurt. I find that my best results when the lather is think and dense but close to sliding off my face. The effort is definitely worth it. Once you get the hang of it you'll have a hard time using another soap. Good luck!
The love // hate relationship with MWF goes on...threads like these justify why I wont recommend MWF to a Newb soap user. Not that its bad (I love it), it just has that certain something that makes it difficult to lather for some guys.

I too struggled with it up front...now I use it regularly...why? Because I love the effect it has.
I'm a bowl latherer, but I imagine my second/third-pass regiment keeps this from being a problem. Since it does tend to dry out a bit in the bowl after the first pass, I make sure to keep my face nice and wet after rinsing off the lather scraps from the first pass. The extra wetness on my face usually takes care of the over-drying.
I only really bowl lather with creams. I find most soaps want to be face lathered. MWF is especially finicky. Face lather with wool fat.
Glad you bought this up as I have found the same thing and I am a mug/bowl latherer - I thought it was just me and that I'd need time to perfect the lather with MWF but now I think it's time for me to give face lathering a go

Thanks for these links Luc!

I love the fat and have had some good experiences with it in the short time I have had it. I will continue to work on it till I win! I need that little extra something to get consistent with it. I have had a taste of success with it so that was enough to convince me it is worth the fight!

It is good to hear how everyone else has worked through the same issue...
Been using the fat for about a week myself, and love the moisturizing effect, but am still tinkering with the water ratio. I usually face lather with soaps, but today I tried leaving my brush a little wetter as I worked the puck. Results seem to have improved.
Been using the fat for about a week myself, and love the moisturizing effect, but am still tinkering with the water ratio. I usually face lather with soaps, but today I tried leaving my brush a little wetter as I worked the puck. Results seem to have improved.

I did the same thing today as well as loaded it up a little more than I thought it would need. Both of those changes, I think, got me on the right track. It was improved today! It also took a little more water than I thought it should/would. Time will tell if I am headed in the right direction but I optimistically think I am on the right path. Fine tuning needed though.:biggrin1:
I have been using wool fat for a few months now and absolutely LOVE it, when i started out i used a badger brush and found it a little bit hard to get a really good lather but then.........i discovered boar, this soap loves a boar brush, my omega boar makes lite work of it.I agree with others about face lathering, i only really need 2 passes as i use a slant with feather blade so i get plenty of lather from this set up.
Even better today..... If it will help anyone, what I changed was loading up the soap CONSIDERABLY more than I thought I needed to. This also gave me more to work with when adding water. Ultimately I think I needed to up the water on the soap to water ratio. But, I think one of the key elements was getting it loaded up better. I actually think I could cut back a little but I am going to keep going with what I have and ease back in time. I was able to accomplish this in a bowl as well as face lather.

Today, I had one of the best experiences with MWF yet! At worst a DFS...possibly even in the BBS territory!

Thank you all for the suggestions. This stuff is great!
Just here to support you in the move to face lathering! I've had some good lathers in a bowl from MWF but it likes a lot of product as well as a lot of water.

Face lathering is really the big secret to unlocking MWF's superb lather.

Go luck and don't give up. MWF is worth it.
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