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MWF Ceramic Dish - Why is it so big compared to the puck?

Hi guys,

Well I finally splashed out and bought the fancy ceramic dish for my MWF. The thing I noticed is the dish is so BIG compared to the puck. But when I see pics on SOTD, it seems to fit well, and there isn't such a noticeable difference?

Am I missing something, is the puck meant to grow into it? :001_huh:

I'd appreciate any thoughts on the matter.
I think the puck might swell a bit with use. Some guys report that it can also crack a little bit with use (?) None of this affects its performance, or lack thereof depending on who you ask :^)

Hi guys,

Well I finally splashed out and bought the fancy ceramic dish for my MWF. The thing I noticed is the dish is so BIG compared to the puck. But when I see pics on SOTD, it seems to fit well, and there isn't such a noticeable difference?

Am I missing something, is the puck meant to grow into it? :001_huh:

I'd appreciate any thoughts on the matter.
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It swells with optional cracking.
My MWF lather got better after I got the dish to put it in. I would assume that this is just because I get more product while loading due to it being softer.
[Forgive me for resurrecting such an old post ... a recent query about MWF cracking led me here.]

The soap swells and cracks as it becomes wet, dries and becomes wet again. Don't worry, it will fill the ceramic dish.
I can't help but think, however, that if the dish made snug fit with the soap (like Tabac), it wouldn't have to swell, and it wouldn't crack. I agree with everyone that it's no big deal, but can anyone think of a reason they went with such a large dish? I mean, yeah, there is little to no downside, but ... is there an upside? :confused1


My elbows leak
Staff member
I believe, and found, that the swelling to fit the bowl, and cracking, comes from the recommended soaking of the soap, ie Mantic's video on MWF lathering technique. I agree that this has no detrimental effect on performance. I have just acquired the Kent version in the wooden bowl where the initial fit is snug, unlike the ceramic dish under its own label. I have just wetted this soap's surface prior to use. It performs just as well as when pre-soaked, and no sign of cracking yet.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I believe, and found, that the swelling to fit the bowl, and cracking, comes from the recommended soaking of the soap, ie Mantic's video on MWF lathering technique. I agree that this has no detrimental effect on performance. I have just acquired the Kent version in the wooden bowl where the initial fit is snug, unlike the ceramic dish under its own label. I have just wetted this soap's surface prior to use. It performs just as well as when pre-soaked, and no sign of cracking yet.

Emphasis mine.
Yeah, it cracks when it dries out from disuse - petulant little soap that it is. :lol:

FWIW, the container I've got it in is very snug. I have never soaked the puck besides the water I introduce while loading.


My elbows leak
Staff member
It's been my experience that it cracks when you don't use it frequently.
But that's me.
It's really no big deal about it cracking though, it works just fine anyway.
I was just tossing out some fun with the pic, though the science is sound, I have no idea if MWF would ever do that.
I think the dish is just as big as it is because it is.
I like the size of the MWF dish as it provides more room to load the brush. I have never soaked my puck and though it has swelled a bit, there is still a small gap around the edge. I don't know why Mitchell's did not make the puck bigger, maybe they wanted to give customers a better chance of putting it in a different bowl, or maybe it was to allow water down the side so that it becomes less dense.
MWF has to have some "personal" space... it is seeking therapy, but so far the best advice is just to let it have it's own little room...
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