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Musings on a fat handled Tech

Short version - the fat handle is now my go-to handle for shaving, and the Tech will probably become my "new to shaving" recommended razor for newbies.

Long version - I was still looking for the "perfect" handle to go with my razor heads before shipping to RestoredRazors for replating. I dislike both the look and the relative ungrippiness (I have made a word!) of the customary New ball end and bar handles, and even the British 7 O' Clock handle is too slippery for my tastes. I have a Toro Mastiff handle which is pretty grippy but quite heavy and changes the razor balance, and a Pearl SSH-01 handle which is heavy, not as aesthetic as I would like, and has "sharp" enough knurling that it feels a little uncomfortable. So . . .

I ordered a post-war Tech with a fat handle to see what it was like.


I took it for an evening touch up shave, and . . . it's the first closed comb razor I have tried that's given me a comparable shave to my News. Not quite as close, but certainly in the same ballpark and a worthy razor. Nice and forgiving, no problems shaving with it. It was certainly kinder to my face and gave a better shave than my Muhle R89/EJ de89 head. Hence, a Tech is now my standard "starter razor" recommendation unless someone wants to start with a New.

As for the handle, I literally lathered the handle up and shaved with it that way for half of the shave. A bit slippery, but definitely a marked improvement over the bar and ball end handles (vintage) and almost as good as my Toro Mastiff handle (but not quite). Light, so the razor balance wasn't changed to any noticeable degree. It also felt comfortable in my hand, and has (as someone before me put it) a "Grecian column" look to the top half of the handle which is echoed in the bottom half. Finally, I like the golden top color with the more reddish brass bottom half.

I don't know that I like the Tech head enough to keep (seeing that I have too many razors already!), but the fat handle definitely stays. It will also have the (dubious?) honor of getting shipped across the pond for replating with . . . probably my 7 O' Clock head. Or maybe my short comb New. Probably the 7 O' Clock for the first round. I may need to buy another! I'm debating between all gold and gold alternating with rose gold. We'll see . . . will post pics when it comes back.

I do wish that they made handles like the Aristocrat/President that screwed on and off. I do like the UFO handles, but for now I think that I will be sticking to my Fat Handle for a while.

Then again, the last time I said that . . . I think it lasted a week!
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