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Music while shaving?

Well, today I was listening to this: http://badbadnotgood.bandcamp.com/ (The fourth song on their second album, Limit to your love, introduced me to these guys and I have been slowly adapting to the rest of their stuff).

But only because I have the house to myself at the mo, come Wednesday when my housemate returns it will be back to shaving in silence!
First off, I'm loving your user name!!!!

My shaving music ranges from day to day. Sometimes classic rock sometimes it's punk or hardcore, it all depends on my mood that particular day.
Well, today I was listening to this: http://badbadnotgood.bandcamp.com/ (The fourth song on their second album, Limit to your love, introduced me to these guys and I have been slowly adapting to the rest of their stuff).

But only because I have the house to myself at the mo, come Wednesday when my housemate returns it will be back to shaving in silence!
holy crap that was cool. thanks. downloading both albums now.
I like silence and angle the blade based on the scraping sound I hear.
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First off, I'm loving your user name!!!!

My shaving music ranges from day to day. Sometimes classic rock sometimes it's punk or hardcore, it all depends on my mood that particular day.

HAH!! this may get confusing.

i save my punk/hardcore for the car. i might get a bit jumpy listening to gorilla biscuits or some misfits and give myself a good nick.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I listen to the music of the blade gliding along the face. But strangely enough I was pondering this question earlier in the week.

The choice would depend on how long you've gone between shaves. After a two or three day growth I could imagine one of the following for the first pass:
Also sprach Zarathustra
Fanfare for the Common Man

The second pass would require less vigorous inspiration:
Allegretto from Beethoven's 7th Symphony
Faure's Pavane

The third pass is more difficult. You don't want to rush at this point, but you want to finish with a feeling of triumph. Possibly the Firebird Finale.
Shostakovich Festive Overture
I tend to stick to classical while I'm shaving - probably something old and choral.

I sliced myself to ribbons last time I tried listening to KMFDM (Xtort) while shaving. And I kept trying to sing along when I was listening to Alabama 3 (Exile on Coldharbour Lane), which made precision quite difficult.
Depending on my mood and the day. Most of the time no music, but when I do put something on it's Ska, classical, jazz, punk, and modern rock.
I sometime have the TV on in the background. I like Saturdays when I'm shaving and I have ESPN College Game Day on. It's a real mancave effect!
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