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Musgo Real

MR is by far my favorite cream. I am actually going to be in Portugal in the fall (and Spain). Has anyone been? Have you seen MR available and know the prices over there? Anything else I should keep a look out for? TIA!
MR doesn't get much love from the main stream supermarkets here in Portugal. Truth be told they also don't want to downgrade their premium brand. You can only find MR at specialty stores OR portuguese online stores that even ship to the moon and everywhere around the world. Really the price in Portugal shouldn't differ that much from the price you pay in Canada.
The biggest supermarket in my town carries Ach Brito Lavanda shave foam. :001_huh:
Was in Spain last November. Picked up some sticks and a tube of La Toja and A tube of Lea. The sticks and tube of Lea I believe were 1.99 euro and the tube of La Toja was 2.50. I didn't know(sill pretty new to all this) they made splash and balm otherwise I would have picked some up. Also after coming back I read about Floids, said it was good and cheap there.
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