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Musgo Real splash/ balsam


I’m stumped
I tried a sample of Musgo Real splash a few months ago. I like the scent but found my face was left a little tacky.
Do you guys find it leaves your face tacky or did I just apply too much?
What do you guys think of Musgo Real balsam? Does it have the same scent, what is it longevity and most important how does it leave your face?
Chris, you may have used too much, you can try again and if it is still to tacky you can add some hi proof vodka to the splash to thin it a bit.
I have both splash and balm and enjoy using them.
I would rank both better than proraso products but Speik spash & balm will take the first spot
I like my face slightly more wet when I apply the splash, not dripping wet but not dry. I generally do 2-3 shakes from the bottle and get the face and head.
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