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Musgo Real Lime Glyce Soap - What does it add?

I've heard it's not a bad idea to use Musgo Real Lime Glyce Soap as a pre-shave, but I am wondering, what are its effects as a pre-shave, how does it improve the shaving experience?
Lots of glycerin. Softens the hair noticeably and makes cutting easier.

In shower I scrub face with bar soap and washcloth, then conditioner. Out of shower, wash face with MR GLO, then with water off the puck of shaving soap. I let that sit for 1 minute.

I have zero tugging or skipping since making sure the hair is hydrated this way.

I like using glycerine shave soap to shave with. I don't require a prep with it though because I think skin prep is more important than hair prep. I use hot water to soften the hair(and I agree it must be softened) and then I apply homemade pre-shave oil to my face to prep the skin. Perfect shaves with no irritation. My skin is left supple.

The more you wash your face with soaps, the more your skin is badly affected and less likely to withstand a blade gliding over it. IMO. I prefer to not wash my face at all before shaving.

I could see someone lathering with glycerine soap and then a cream on top for the uber treatment.
The more you wash your face with soaps, the more your skin is badly affected and less likely to withstand a blade gliding over it. IMO. I prefer to not wash my face at all before shaving.
I am the exact opposite. If I don't wash my face before shaving I definitely have worse shaves. I don't use soap though...I use soap-free facial cleanser.
Lots of glycerin. Softens the hair noticeably and makes cutting easier.

In shower I scrub face with bar soap and washcloth, then conditioner. Out of shower, wash face with MR GLO, then with water off the puck of shaving soap. I let that sit for 1 minute.

I have zero tugging or skipping since making sure the hair is hydrated this way.



An ideal beard prep routine IMO.
i work in my mrglo whit a stiff boar brush to really work the whiskers. Gets all the "dirt" around the hairs away and preps for a nice and smooth shave. And skin feels supersoft after.
I don't want to hijack the thread, but doesn't a (pre) shave oil does the same? If I use Musgo Real Lime Glyce Soap and let it sit on my face while I setup my shaving gear, does it soften my whiskers the same way as a oil? I never used a shaving oil. I stopped prepping my beard with warm water when I realized that my beard was releasing the skin's oil that it accumulated previously.
For a while I was soing a pre-shave oil, but then I heard about using a glycerin soap for a preshave. Prelather with a the soap is great and less messay than the oil. The warm water opens up the poars and the soap leaves my whiskers soft pretty slick. I recommend Kell's originals super aloe blend.
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