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Muhle response to R41 availability

I got this email today answering my question of the R41 availability going forward.

"it is currently unavailable but will be in stock again by the mid of February.

best regards,

Christian Müller

MÜHLE / Hans-Jürgen Müller GmbH & Co. KG, Hundshübel, Hauptstrasse 18, 08328 Stützengrün, Germany
Registergericht: Chemnitz, HRA 2388

Tel +49 (0) 37462 - 652 - 0 Fax +49 (0) 37462 - 652- 18

[email protected]"
Thanks for sharing

I got this email today answering my question of the R41 availability going forward.

"it is currently unavailable but will be in stock again by the mid of February.

best regards,

Christian Müller

MÜHLE / Hans-Jürgen Müller GmbH & Co. KG, Hundshübel, Hauptstrasse 18, 08328 Stützengrün, Germany
Registergericht: Chemnitz, HRA 2388

Tel +49 (0) 37462 - 652 - 0 Fax +49 (0) 37462 - 652- 18

[email protected]"
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