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Mr. Frank Sinatra Shaves with a DE - 1965

He was and is my idol. Got to shake his hand after seeing him in concert in Houston in Oct 1994.






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I think it's a Fatboy also, its an adjustable of some sort. You can kind of see the bottom plate in the second to last picture. Cool vintage can of Jeris talc. Also spotted the white squeeze bottle on the left marked "W.H.", that would be witch hazel I'm guessing.
What's with the towel on his head?

Frank was pretty much bald on the top at this point. Hadn't put his toupee on so probably didn't want it clearly evident in the photos. Of course you can clearly see the bare back of his head in the last photo.
From a book published by a former Life magazine photographer. He folllowed Frank around for about three months in 1964-65 for an article in LIFE. Took about two thousand photos, a handful or so of which were used for the magazine article. The first month he followed around without a camera just for Frank to get used to him being around.

The last photo in the sequence above was posted a little over two years ago on another shaving site.

Note the LIFE logo in the lower right corner.


  • $Sinatra_shav2_rZVl0-d22091911e43f24000970a9655ba88ec.jpg
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From a book published by a former Life magazine photographer. He folllowed Frank around for about three months in 1964-65 for an article in LIFE. Took about two thousand photos, a handful or so of which were used for the magazine article. The first month he followed around without a camera just for Frank to get used to him being around.

The last photo in the sequence above was posted a little over two years ago on another shaving site.

Note the LIFE logo in the lower right corner.

Yup, got this book on my 30th birthday nearly 10 years ago. It's a great item.
Ouch! Now that you mention it, I think I remember reading about Sinatra's forceps injury many years ago. Doctor used them on me, too, and I've got a nice little dimple on my forehead as a result.
I'd guess a slim due to the thinner head geometry on the WTG pass on the cheek closeup pic.

Either/Or: great pics and I'm sure some avatar material here.

Didn't know blue eyes wore a toup. Connery apparently did most of his Bond movies wearing a rug too...
Of course I shave with a DE, if I ain't well shaved they will cut my check. Hey Kid, dont forget the 3 olive with the dry martini.
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