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Moving to a Slim

Tonight (and over the weekend) I'll be trying out my two new Slims :thumbup: My current favourite set up is a '65 Flare Tip with a feather. 3 passes usually give me a DFS. With possibly a touch up with a Tech in the hard to reach corners :lol: Is 3 on the Slim a comparable baseline to start with? I'll be using a Feather again.
Probably closer to 4, but do the first shave on 3 so you can compare the two settings. When I went from a SS to Slim I started at 3, but wound up using 4 most of the time. 5 was too aggressive for me. I liked the Slim at first and it was better than the FatBoy, but both have fallen out of rotation, probably for good. A SS and Tech remain in my rotation.
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Probably closer to 4, but do the first shave on 3 so you can compare the two settings. ...

+1 -- 3 is safe but you'll probably move up one or two. The one I have is set on 6 and matches my 34C performance for me. The aggressiveness chart here gives an estimate of what razors the settings match to. Enjoy!!
Went from a 34C to a Slim on 4 to start, but found the shave lacking in comparison. Slowly worked my way up to a 7 on the Slim and am getting closer shaves than with the HD. Tempted to take her a bit higher, perhaps 8 or 9, but no pressing need.

Maybe it's just my particular razor, but I found that I get a smoother shave on the higher settings - perhaps because I get closer in fewer passes.
I started out on 3 and eventually moved to 7. I really think good adjustable razors allow you to use a wider range of different types/brands of blades.
My Slim is now my most-used razor. It's permanently set at 9 & I use a Feather blade. I get a bbs shave with no blood & zero burn in 1 pass + a touch up on the rough spots. I'm sure before long you'll find a setting which works for you. Enjoy.
A Slim is my favorite razor. I keep mine at 5 and that seems to be just about perfect. Any higher or lower and I start getting burn and nicks.
Started on 3....quickly moved up to 4 for most of my face and back to 2 for my neck (the sides just below my jaw). Overall very nice results.

Thanks for the suggestions. I know the Wiki chart is "objective" but it was actually nice to get some "subjective" (real world) comments.
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