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Most Aggressive SE?

I used an OCMM tonight for the first time with a Personna stainless blade.

Is this the most aggressive SE? I found it to be pretty mild (although I mostly use straights, so I could just be crazy)

Also, how do the carbon blades compare? I kinda like the carbon DE blades. Do the SE ones provide a similar feel?
It's the most aggressive of the SEs I've tried, which include the 1912 (almost as aggressive), Heavy Flat Top (G-Bar), Slanted Wing (Bullet Tip), and Feather Weight. But it's not the most aggressive razor out there, if you compare it to some of the DEs.
OP- Are you only limiting your question to the Gem/ER/Star offerings? If so, some of the early lather catchers feel a little more aggressive to me than the OCMM.

There are many SEs that IMO are more aggressive. The Wilkinson Empire is adjustable and pretty aggressive when cranked out. You can see the older Wilkies here: http://wilkinsonrazors.blogspot.com. And read about them here: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/206311-Calling-all-Wilkinson-Sword-razor-experts/page2
If you read down member themba details how to make a modern blade fit and which razors will take them. The Feather blades that fit are available here: http://www.razorbladesandmore.com/content/feather-single-edge-blades-5pcs

A number of the old wedge safeties like the CJ Heljestrand will also give you an aggressive shave and many can be used with modern blades. The early Auto Strops are also up there and many models can use the Feather blades like the ones referenced above.
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Thank you for your reply.

I have a Rolls, which has been fun to play with. I was mainly referring to the Gem/ER/Star offerings, but the wilkinson and Heljestrand razors are worth looking at I suppose. I would personally classify them closer to straights than SEs, even though that may be heresy. To me, they are more of a straight on a stick, and require honing. With SEs, I think disposable blades, but of course, this is all a rather grey area

Thank you for your reply.

I have a Rolls, which has been fun to play with. I was mainly referring to the Gem/ER/Star offerings, but the wilkinson and Heljestrand razors are worth looking at I suppose. I would personally classify them closer to straights than SEs, even though that may be heresy. To me, they are more of a straight on a stick, and require honing. With SEs, I think disposable blades, but of course, this is all a rather grey area

In that light, some of the early lather catchers like the Gem Junior Bar that take the regular Gem SE type blades would be worth considering as well.

Cobra Classic? I haven't used one yet to verify....

This is indeed a fairly aggressive one. I picked one up to play with and it works quite well for me with the Kai Captain Mild blades.

You also might look at some Schick injectors- an E type if I recall was fairly aggressive. But, there are many here are know way more about the Schick injectors.
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Of these I have tried:
MM Clog Prof
Lather Catchers
G Bar
Schick Injector early E type, bakelite handle.

The MMOC is the most aggressive by far, I only use Carbon blades in it because the Stainless ones seem to hack my face up more or increase the chances of that happening, I really like Treet blades now...
I've used the ER 1912, ER 1924, G bar, and OCMM. I'd say the OCMM is the most aggressive but the difference in aggression between all of them is pretty subtle unlike the DE's which have a lot more variability. All of the SE razors I've tried are fantastic shavers.
Cobra Classic? I haven't used one yet to verify....

I think that the Cobra puts a lot more blade on the face than any of the other SE razors I own.

I only have the Feather ProGuard blades that came with it but 3 passes and I am done, which is uncommon for me.

Will be trying other blades in it as time goes on

Cobra Classic? I haven't used one yet to verify....


First time I used it, it looked scary aggressive. It's a big blade, with a fairly decent amount of blade gap. I sliced my face up pretty good on the maiden voyage with the Cobra, but it can be easily tamed with a steady, slow hand, and no pressure of course!!
The only SE in my rotation. The stiffer SE blades feel closer to a Straight to me.
I get really nice close shaves with mine. A little difficult to shave the top lip with so much real estate, IMO. Nothing can beat a straight for cleaning out hairs below the nose...and I know you know that.
I use an adhesive refrig. type magnet on my mirror so I can put my Pro Feather blade on it instead of leaving them in the SS Japanese razor. I would recommend something similar for the SE Blades as the carbon blades will get yucky looking if you leave them loaded.
Thanks guys for all the advice.

I'm going to be testing a cobra next week, so we will see how that goes. Between my injectors and straights it certainly has some steep competition.

I have also got into the old injectors, and they are fun to use, although the blades aren't cheap.

It sounds like the streamline might be worth looking at.
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