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Moss Scuttle vs Dirty Bird for use with a Rooney 1/3, advice needed please.

I am a newb and about to start my wet shaving adventure tomorrow. I'll be using a generic bowl for now but since the I just can't stand the feel of cold wetness on my skin, I figured getting a scuttle would be a good way to eliminate that annoyance.

I don't know if I will be a face or a bowl latherer since I just received my Rooney 1/3 today (kudos to Maher for a great deal!) After having read the many scuttle reviews on B&B I have narrowed my choices down to either Sara Bonnyman's Moss (not sure large or small) or the Dirty Bird one (again, unsure which size). Ideally I'd prefer a one-piece construction, less parts - less chance of dropping and breaking something.

Some say that larger scuttles suitable for bowl lathering don't keep the brush quite as warm (less contact area with the brush, larger evaporation area, faster cooling) but the smaller ones that keep the brush toasty for a long time can't be used to build lather in them. I've seen a few members recommend getting the small scuttles and use them just to get the lathering going while the majority of the work would be done on the face. Many also report that it may be tricky to get the temperature of the scuttle just right to keep the brush warm enough while not too hot for the lather to start breaking down.

I am also concerned that if I go small then I'd have to use face lathering (or will have to get another bowl, which I am trying to avoid). I know that lathering right is the key to a good shave and I am thinking that lathering in a bowl may be easier and faster, or am I completely wrong in thinking that and I should just get a small scuttle which will do the job of keeping the lather warm better?

I need to figure out which scuttle would be a better buy for me considering that I would need it to: A. keep my large Rooney 1/3 brush warm, B. if at all possible allow for lathering to be at least partially doable in the scuttle's bowl if I struggle with face lathering and C. hopefully be compact enough to use and store in my small bathroom. Is the small Moss MUCH more effective in keeping the brush warm than the larger one? If I go with the larger one, would it allow for bowl lathering with a large brush? Since the Dirty Bird one-piece scattle comes in larger sizes, would it be a better choice than the Mosss provided it allows for bowl lathering AND does an equally good job of keeping the brush warm?

My apologies for ranting and being confused, I just want to make a purchase which will be more likely to "do it all" for me :)
For a large brush, I would definitely go with the Dirty Bird 1.5x. I have the large Moss, the Georgetown G5 and the DB 1.5x. Based on my use, I would have to say the G5 and Moss would definitely be too small to build lather in with a large brush.
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