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More Kid in College Coffe Advice

I posted a while ago and asked for some suggestions for an easy clean-up alternative for my daughter to make coffee in her small dorm room. Thanks to everybody for their advice. In the end I got her a large porcelain filter. She likes it a lot and, more importantly, uses it every day. Now I'm thinking of a way to regularly send her coffee so that she doesn't wind up getting a 55 gallon drum of ground coffee from Trader Joe's.

I'm a realist, and I know that she won't grind her own. I'm looking for the best pre-ground coffee that I can send her every now and then. Any recommendations?
I don't know about best but Community Coffee out of NOLA is good. And she can get her fix of chicory, if desired.
How about taking your favorite bean, run it through your ginder, then send her a small care package.

When I was in college (a hundred years ago), nothing could compare to a little care package with an "I love you" note from home.
How about taking your favorite bean, run it through your ginder, then send her a small care package.

When I was in college (a hundred years ago), nothing could compare to a little care package with an "I love you" note from home.

That sounds like a good idea. From her favorite coffee shop. Maybe I'll do that.
Trader Joe's actually sells one of my favorite coffees, but I always bought it in whole bean form and ground it myself. They have grinders in the store too, so it's freshly ground when you buy it.

Sending something you know she likes would probably mean a lot to her, though.

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Intelligentsia Coffee is the best coffee I've ever drank. It's extremely fresh, and you can specify grind. They have a number of single origin, direct trade coffees as well as blends and whatnot. A little pricy, but (I think) worth it. Perhaps as a special occasion/gift?


I love their Black Cat. Last year they had a coffee called La Maravilla from Guatemala, it was the best coffee I have ever tasted. It was absolutely sublime. It is difficult for me to go back to any other coffee after tasting the many excellent coffees that Intelligentsia offers. Theirs was the first roasts that allowed me to truly taste and enjoy the many nuanced flavors of the beans. Speaking of which, I have been out for about a week now, time to take the trip to LA to stock up.
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I am sure there is some coffee of the month club, Gets her a variety of coffee, replentishes every month, and saves you from find, and ship coffee all the time.

Something to think about, espically when shipping coffee to a college town. I had a buddy that really liked dunkin doughnuts coffee, but ther was no dunking doughnuts anywhere near him. I happened by one and picked up a couple of pounds and mailed them to him. Apparently the PO took the liberty of fully inspecting the box. According to it appeared to have been opened and resealed more than once but the ground coffee all made it.
Where is "college" located?

It might make some sense to find a source close by. (even if arriving via mail, closer = fresher)
Where is "college" located?

It might make some sense to find a source close by. (even if arriving via mail, closer = fresher)

College is in Philly. In the end I sent her some from a local roaster. It went out on a Tuesday and she was able to make a cup with it on Thursday night, so I think that this will work out OK. Thanks everybody!
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