Looking for a money clip for the few bills that I do carry. I usually will only have one bill on me and would like a clip that can hold one bill folded.
Is there such a clip?
Is there such a clip?
Get one that is encased in leather. They hold better than the plain metal ones.
Does anyone have experience with the type of clip with the raised "springy" part in between the two sides. Like this:
If I needed a new one I would try one of these. I am quite content with the one I pictured earlier though.I use one of these
More of a money/card clip/wallet but I love it. I have owned 2 in the last 10 years. The only reason I bought a second one was because I finally downgraded my cards, etc and the card pockets had stretched. It will hold 3-5 cc,driver license,library cards, etc on each side.
If this is anything like my Packer wallet, It is going to take a lot of a abuse before it even begins to show wear