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Moments That Matter Most PIF

I have been helped along the way by a large number of people on this forum and am finally able to offer up a little package to say thank you. I am grateful for the kindness shown me.

My PIF will be based on the following video from Youtube, a video that was forwarded to me and inspired me:

To qualify for an entry to win this package, all I ask is that you consider the things that matter most to you. Then share with us one thing you're going to try to do better in the coming weeks. This may be helping someone you've been thinking about that needs your help. It could be trying to be friendlier to the strangers that cross your path. I'll leave it up to you. Just focus on the things that matter most, and let us know what you're going to do.

As August comes to a close, I'll draw an entry at random and PM the winner. The winning B&B member will receive the following:

Gillette Tech Safety Razor
5.2 oz. C.O. Bigelow shaving cream (new)
Arko shaving stick (new)
Styptic pencil (new)
5 Derby Extra blades (new)
4 Blue bird blades (new)


Thanks again to the generosity that was shown to me by all of you when I was trying this for the first time. Your kindness has contributed to my understanding of what matters most. Good luck all!
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Please count me in on this generous PIF.

I would also thank for your a truly inspiring and sobering video. The moments that matter the most for me, I think is the moments that I rarely reflect on and give thoughts to before it has gone some time. Meaning Im 23 years old and have just finished a 3 year journey of my bachelors degree. Went as a foreign exchange student to the united states, moved out of my folks house and into a crib of my own. Basically the moments that matter the most are the time spent with family and friends. The things we all take for granted, but which we should stop and reflect upon from time to time and be grateful for.

Just my thoughts.
Please do not count me in, as I have all of these fine items, but I don't like to go to bed without telling my daughter "night, night, sweet dreams, I love you". I am planning on doing more with her that she wants to do.
Do not count me. I've already got 4 of 6 of those. Just wanted to say nice PIF and a good starter package. But for the coming future (already trying) I'm going to try and have more patience with my son.
As long as its fine that I enter with the intentions of passing long this PIF pretty much immediately then Count me in.
I have a new roommate who had previously expressed interest in traditional shaving.

My girlfriend and I just celebrated our first anniversary together. It made me realize that as special as that day was, I should be just as happy every day that we are together. I intend to make the most out of every day, not just those "special days." For me family and friends are very important, so this extends to all of them as well. I want to give special attention to enjoying the little things that make each day important.
Do not count me in. I, too, wanted to say this is a very nice PIF. I have 2 daughters, 9 and 2, and my wife is pregnant with our 3rd child, a boy. A few months ago I offered a PIF as a celebration for news we received regarding our unborn son's health. It was certainly one of those "moments" in my life, one I will never forget and one I will ALWAYS be thankful for. Again, very nice PIF.
Lovely PIF - don't count me in, as I have all I need. What I will do from now on - stay in better touch with my kids, who are both on their own. And be more forgiving of faults in others and myself.
Wow! this is the kind of PIF that makes this place so special...
Please count me in.
And what matter the most to me is my family. Simple (and complex) as that. But I try to make the world a more livable place everyday to everybody with small little things as wearing a smile almost all day, been polite with most of the people (just saying hello or good morning or have a nice day seems to put some relief on some folks) and of course trying to understand that almost everything in this world is a YMMV and IMHO situation.
Please don't count me in! This is a great PIF Steve! All quality stuff, would make a newbie very happy!

I think family matters most to me. It's always been important to make sure that I spend time with family as much as possible. I think I could probably do a better job tho...:001_unsur
This is a wonderful thread and offer. I will defer to others and subscribe to and follow the thread. I have been blessed in many ways and I am certainly set for shaving tools and supplies. I have been encouraged and benefited from this community. For me the things that matter most are faith, family and friends. I would like to do a little (or a lot) better in all those areas and roles I walk in.
Generous PIF and great idea.

Someone took Chaplin's speech from the Great Dictator and added images underneath...by passing this along I'm hoping more of us will begin to appreciate the words of 70 years ago. I hope to live it and ensure my kids do the same. Apologies in advance if embedding the video is faux pas.

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Count me in. In the coming weeks, I'm going to make sure to call my mother more often while she is away from the house. I keep telling myself I will, then just don't get around to it. But I'll be better about it these coming weeks.
Generous PIF and great idea.

Someone took Chaplin's speech from the Great Dictator and added images underneath...
This film is on my list of movies to see soon!

Some nice posts, everyone. Thank you! We still have about a week left to enter!
Just 5 days left to enter. What are the things that matter most, and what will you do about them?
Things that matter most to me are my family and I am really going to try to exercise more patience with my nephews! They are 8 and 5 and currently reside with my wife and I.
What an awesome PIF. Please do not count me in, I have all of those except for a Tech. I would rather this go to someone who hasn't tried most of these items. Arko and Bigelow are probably my first and second picks for favourite soaps/creams. Thanks for your generosity in giving back to the community.

As for what matters most to me? Well, my family. My parents are currently helping me get through college, and I've realized lately that I haven't exactly been as grateful towards them as I should be. They both work extremely hard and put me before themselves to make sure that I have everything that I need for school. They just dropped $800 on my truck to get it in good shape for the new school year since I have a 30 mile commute to my college, and they asked for nothing in return.

I would like to start doing more for them to help out and let them know just how much I appreciate them. They really are great people. I'm 23, and I know that there are a lot of parents out there that wouldn't do so much to help their adult child get a good start in adult life.
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