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Mobile apps for photography

I just downloaded a light meter app for free (beeCam LightMeter for android) to my smart phone, and I was wondering what other apps people have used to help with photography? I still need to calibrate the app with a good and tested LM at the camera shop, but the reviews are promising! Its an incidence meter so reflectivity is a non issue.

I know there is a basic photoshop app for iphone, and I also have a seperate camera app for my phone with lots of creative filters and borders, but what else is there?

One that I've used a bit is Golden Pic Lite which gives you the blue hour, sunrise, and golden hour end times based on your location as well as weather data if available.
There is a light meter app for the iPhone that I use regularly. I haven't done extensive tests, but it is pretty darn accurate. Neat thing is you can tap around the screen to spot meter different parts of the scene.
There is a light meter app for the iPhone that I use regularly. I haven't done extensive tests, but it is pretty darn accurate. Neat thing is you can tap around the screen to spot meter different parts of the scene.
I have that app, works very well. I use it often when I take my Voightlander Brillant out.
Another app that gets much use is, Massive Development Chart (which I use in the darkroom). And another I find fun is IPano.
I opted for an app I found called Develop! rather than the massive dev chart. Develop is free and the massive dev chart is like $6 or something. With Develop, you can completely customize your developing "recipe" from the start. I only use 1 developer and really 1 film, so I don't really need that huge amount of info on my smart phone. Its free online!
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