I'm sure this post will generate a lot of responses. I don't mean to offend any MWF diehards out there, I'm just genuinely curious. It seems to me that a lot of people are going to a lot of effort to make MWF work for them. I've read countless posts asking for suggestions on how to get it to lather. What intrigues me is that they will look for that magic technique, rather than try a different soap. Don't get me wrong, I've used it and consider it to be a good soap. It worked up a nice lather for me without too much effort. It provided good glide and left my face feeling soft and moisturized afterward. I also found that it was lacking any scent that I could pick up, so I wonder why people are so devoted to it. I've used many other soaps that lather, protect, and moisturize as well or better than Mitchell's, with great scents that Mitchell's lacks. If you are looking for a great moisturizing soap, why not give Mystic Waters or Mike's a try? Or why not just use a better aftershave? Isn't that what it's for? I know that much of this is subjective, and I get the whole YMMV thing. So tell me, what is it about MWF that makes it worth the effort?