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Mitchell's Wool Fat Soap

I have yet to reach the day limit to post in the review section, so I will extol the virtues of an amazing product here.

I used Mitchell's Wool Fat soap for the first time this morning. After allowing the soap to soak for a few minutes I loaded my brush, shot a squirt of glycerin into my bowl and started to make the most amazing lather I have ever put on my face.

It lathered quickly into utter smoothness. It softened my beard and protected my face like no other product I have ever used. I tend to have a rough neck and will irritate a weeper or two every morning. Any irritation was significantly less this morning. To the point that once I completed my shave and did a splash of cold water there was no weeper to tend to.

Up to this point I had been quite satisfied with my AoS cream, but no longer. I have found a product which suites me better. I can' wait for my Georgetown G5 scuttle to get here and make some lather in it.
I just bought some MWF after hearing everyone extol the virtues of this soap.

I tried to lather it up in my bowl, but maybe I had too much water on my brush... but I head a real bubbly mess for a while. I might need to try it again because although it felt smooth in my hand, I think it should have been a bith thicker. The shave was good.. not great. But Im not giving up on it yet.

Is there a link to tips for the MWF lather?
I found someone mention to use cooler water with this? Is this true?
I just bought some MWF after hearing everyone extol the virtues of this soap.

I tried to lather it up in my bowl, but maybe I had too much water on my brush... but I head a real bubbly mess for a while. I might need to try it again because although it felt smooth in my hand, I think it should have been a bith thicker. The shave was good.. not great. But Im not giving up on it yet.

Is there a link to tips for the MWF lather?
I found someone mention to use cooler water with this? Is this true?

Sounds like you should start with less water.

I don't find that cooler water is really necessary. I usually soak my brush good, shake it out, and load it by swirling it around on the top of the soap for a few seconds (usually less than five). I typically take it straight to the face and start scrubbing, but you could move to a bowl instead.
I've also been wanting to try this soap. It seems to get rave reviews. Up until now I've really enjoyed AOS soap. Is it really on par with AOS?

Also, how hard is the soap? In the review section it seems there should be a column for soap hardness.
I put a little over a tablespoon of water on the cake and let it sit for a few minutes...no more than three. I emptied the water into my shave bowl (then poured out half, there was just too much and you can always add more).

I worked the brush on the cake and filled it till the bristles were clumped and the brush was noticeably heavier. I put a squirt of glycerin in the bowl and started working the lather up. I always start with less water than I need so I don't end up with foam.

Hope yours works better next time mxrodriguez.
I really like my AoS cream, but I do favor the Mitchell's more. Take that with a grain of salt. I am just into my first day with Mitchell's. There is a softer quality to the Mitchell's than the AoS cream which seemed to help my razor "glide" a little better over my face. The result was much less irritation for me. It also left my face feeling softer.

Smjodo...I read about the glycerin in another post and decided to give it a try. It may do nothing, but at least in my head (not to mention on my face) it seems to help a little. And it only cost me $1.79 for 12 ounces so I didn't lose much if it does nothing.

You are right Seraphim...lots of bravado on here. And we all have opinions. I wonder if that is why I use too much Charmin...too many opinions. :blush:


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I was gifted some MWF by our resident ambassador. It's a bit finicky when it comes to optimizing the lather, and the scent is meh, but overall it's a pretty good soap, even if I don't get all the hooplah attached to it. It's not in the same league as an AoS or some of the better tallow or hard milled soaps, but I'll give it credit for this- you can still feel it working when you rinse it off. The lanolin is very moisturizing and effective, and it leaves your face feeling great.
That's why I like the soaps forum, all opinion and bravado....it's like rooting for the home team despite all odds or facts!:lol:

I never thought about it that way but you're so right :lol:

All you have to say is "Soap XXX smells like dirty feet and cheese" and a brigade of Soap XXX diehards will come to the rescue, telling you to sod off and die in a vat of saponified liquids of the stuff...
I was all gung-ho about it... I loved it, was my go to soap.
Now suddenly I can't get a good lather from it. Last three shaves have been pretty bad. Twice I finished up with Arko. Irisch Moos is a favorite and offers me the best shaves it seems like.

I don't know what happened but it's been almost useless the last few shaves. Might give it another go tomorrow morning.
The scent is "meh"? I find the clean smell one of the strongest points of MWF. It might not be exciting, but you can put any AS over it without having to worry about a conflict. MWF is one of my favorites, though I've been indulging a serious flirtation with Irisch Moos lately.
Also, how hard is the soap? In the review section it seems there should be a column for soap hardness.
It appears hard and gritty (if you look closely at a puck you'll see what I mean), but it seems to dissolve rather easily all the same. Just take your time loading. There's no need to scrape off the soap from the puck; that's just murder on your brush. However, once you're done loading be prepared to add a good deal of water in a large bowl before you get to the 'smooth lather' stage; I found that MWF tends to be bubbly before it is reached. (The lather also makes a 'crispier' sound when stirring; other soaps' lathers are definitely more 'muffled'.)

Whether or not the smooth lather works out for you, and whether or not you should accept the bubbles, is for you to discover. Regrettably I can't use MWF in either state.
I've very much liked this soap since I first used it. I will generally baptise a new brush with it, since its a quality and dependable performer without an overwhelming scent. Since I tend to break in brushes on the MWF, I get a good idea of how each brush is different from the other based on the common factor of MWF.

Never had a problem lathering in hot water with this soap.

Shaved with it this morning and had another of those great shaves I was used to. But for some reason my new brush (restored 22mm TGN finest) just seems incapable of being able to produce a lather with it. It lathers all my other soaps perfectly but MWF it doesn't like. Went back to the Tweezerman and made a great lather, slick and the whole works.
I think that maybe the size constricts my movement in the bowl and on the puck. I've been considering milling the MWF down into one of the glass bowls I've been using for Arko, Tabac, and Sir Irisch Moos.

As stated above, it does take some time to work the bubbles into something usable. I will swirl the brush around the inside of the bowl quickly and then fold in the bubbles that push up to the top every once in awhile. Eventually the consistancy evens out and it's a great lather.
Yes...why would you even need to use glycerine with MWF???

You must like a very slick and thick film on your face to shave over. Me....not so much. I like a little "feel". MWF gives feel and a great slick protective coat. MWF is just awesome stuff no matter how you use it!
Yes...why would you even need to use glycerine with MWF???

You must like a very slick and thick film on your face to shave over. Me....not so much. I like a little "feel". MWF gives feel and a great slick protective coat. MWF is just awesome stuff no matter how you use it!

Because I like it.

The glycerin does not take away any "feel" at all for me. As for thickness, if create your lather properly it isn't any thicker because of the glycerin. I do like it slick. The razor glides better.
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