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Mitchell's Wool Fat Fan Club Vote for Your Favorite Club Name

What should we name the Mitchell's Wool Fat Club?

  • Da Fatties

  • Sheeple

  • The Order of the Fat

  • TOWS The Order of the Well Shorn

  • TWB The Wooly Bullies

  • The Flock

  • Shepherds of the Soap: Pastores Saponem

Results are only viewable after voting.
The time has come the Soapman said, to talk of many things...Okay MWF fans, vote for your favorite name for the Mitchell's Wool Fat Club. The suggestions were all stellar and I could not narrow it to five. With help of Xander, my trusty account, we came up with 7 choices. I travel a bunch so I decided the poll will run until Sunday, June 16 (Meaning through midnight of the 16th). The winner will receive from yours truly, one Mitchell's Wool Fat ceramic bowl containing one MFW puck.

Also, amongst the suggestions, I think it would be a swell idea to use the nicely suggested by hsamuels: Mondays Wednesday Fridays for days to shave with MWF. This appeals to me as similar to 10, 2, and 4, the old Dr. Pepper times to drink up.

Too, it seems the Whiffenpoof Song would make a swell anthem (Unless, of course, Wooly Bullies wins.). I just had dinner last week at The Lambs Club in New York. The vote is open to everyone.

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I voted The Wooly Bullies because da fat has a way of bullying other soaps out of the den!!!
I voted The Wooly Bullies because da fat has a way of bullying other soaps out of the den!!!
Da Fat I like it. I seriously doubt that no soaps will be harmed as long as the "play by the rules" supply and demand. Nobody will gets hurt see. Somebody should be "boss" I wonder how prorasso feels about their turf
being taken over?
Well, here's the Mitchells version of the Whiffenpoof Song if it is adopted
To the boars where bristles dwell
To the badgers down in China
To the dear old shearers that we love so well
Sing the Mitchell’s shavers all assembled
We’ll raise our lathered bushes high
Let the flowing, rich, full lather cast its spell
We’re poor little lambs
Who’ve gone to shave
Ahhh,Ahhhh, Ahhh
We’ll part now with our stubble
We are bound to shave
Ahhh,Ahhhh, Ahhh
Gentlemen shavers off on a spree
Pampered from here to eternity
Woolfat feels so good on me
Ahhhh,Ahhhh, Ahhhh
How about "The Unsearchables", given that a search for "MWF" doesn't work.

Whatever you do, vendor's, make sure your products gets an acronym longer than three on B&B.

(ducking now).
Barring some last minute run, it looks like The Order of Fat is going to be the winner. Riff Raff posted the exact "The Order of the Fat," so he gets the MWF in the ceramic bowl. If all works right I will get it in the mail Monday. Right now I am stguck in Toronto and not 100% sure I will make it back to Seattle before I head out again. So it will either ship on Monday,or afterward
I am not back in town until July 8. I will PM Riff Raff.

Thanks everyone.

Wow! I can't believe it! Thanks Pierce. This is totally cool and completely unexpected. Thanks so much. Long Live the Order of the FAT!
At least tell me that Fat Bastards was nominated?
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