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Missing Package?!?

This is a little bit of a long story and I am unsure what to do at this point...

I ordered my first straight razor and strop along with a few new shaving creams and an aftershave on Wednesday, this was from a very well known and trusted site. The company was great and actually got my order out that same day and since the order was over a certain amount I received free express shipping.

This is where everything went down hill, so far. The post office sorted the package, but instead of sending it on its way to me they for some reason returned it to the sender on Thursday. I spoke with the post office Thursday and they apologized, but had no explanation for why this happened.

The sender was great and put the package back in the mail on Thursday and this time according to all records it made its way down to me in Georgia. Yesterday afternoon I received a notice(email alert from USPS) that the packaged had been delivered, but when I got home last night from work it was not there. I tried calling the USPS, but the department that deals with these situations was already closed and doesn't reopen until Monday morning.

I requested the signed notice that it had been delivered and was sent a pdf with the signature and there was a signature, but it is not mine. I asked a few of my neighbors and none of them had accepted a package for me and the signature name is no one that i know of in my neighborhood.

So, this is where I am at and I am not sure what I should do. May be stop the Mail lady this afternoon and ask if she remembers who or where she left the package with?

Anyways, thanks for letting me vent and I hope this all gets worked out.
Sounds very strange. Do you have some kind of unusual living situation? Has this happened before? I know that I live in a new subdivision and I regularly get mail for the house on our cross street that has the same number as ours.

I think that I'd go to Post Office with this. They delivered the package to the wrong place. Get that claim going. In the meantime, maybe there's a nice citizen somewhere who is waiting for Saturday afternoon to deliver the package that he mistakenly signed for. Or maybe a slightly less upstanding one who opened it and is thinking about playing it off as a mistakeand bringing back when he sees the straight that he knows he can never use.

But if some undeserving recipient decides to keep it, I hope that he has a lifetime of cuts, nicks, severed moles and slashed nostrils ahead of him, courtesy of the shaving deities.
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Definitely something is wrong. What bothers me is the first package got sent back to the seller without your permission and now this. Possibly this is the substitute mail carrier thats causing a problem. I believe regulars have a day off during the week.
The post office has a form for everything. Tell him or her that you want the form to fill out for this situation (nothing happens without a form). Don't leave the form for your mail carrier to take in, drop it in a pick-up box addressed to your local postmaster, or go to your local post office to submit the form. I had to go to a postal inspector in person one time years ago. A mail carrier was refusing to carry certified mail to one of his friends. Stuff happens.
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I'm guessing that the mail carrier delivered it to the wrong address, and a person unwittingly signed for the package, thinking it must be for them.

I would go to the post office with this. I have found that they take it very seriously when a postal carrier delivers mail to the wrong address. When I was living in St. Louis, and complained that I was frequently missing mail and getting mail in my box that was not for my address, they sent out a postal inspector that day to take a report. The problem never repeated itself after that.

This really sucks. If I were you, I would report the problem regardless of whether the package eventually makes its way to your door.
But if some undeserving recipient decides to keep it, I hope that he has a lifetime of cuts, nicks, severed moles and slashed nostrils ahead of him, courtesy of the shaving deities.

Here in India, we have deities for almost anything you can imagine, sun, wind, lightening, water, ocean, river, mountain,clouds,earth...but a shaving deity !!!
Yeah, go right to the post office in person, don't even bother trying to phone them. If you don't get satisfaction from the person you first deal with, tell that person you want to speak with a supervisor. Its been mentioned that the P.O. takes such happenings quite seriously. Its obvious something happened on their end, so make sure they see it through. :cursing:
Finally I have my new straight and other goodies.

I called this morning when the post office opened and the manager knew why I was calling as soon as I said my name. She informed me that I have a new carrier and that she had delivered my package to another house(not in my neighborhood), but that my carrier remember where she delivered it and was going to pick it back up before she started her route.
I got a little scared because normally my mail is here around 11 or 11:30 on Saturday, but a little after 1pm my carrier knocked on my door with the package.
She kept apologizing for the trouble and her manager just called me, even though she is already off work, to make sure everything had been worked out.

So here is what I was waiting on(i forgot to take a picture of the strop)...
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