I was cleaning out my desk....a rare event, and found a small glue stick that had completely dried up.
Holding that mini twist-up tube in hand I wondered how well it would work as a mini shave stick dispenser.
I rolled that old glue chunk up and out, washed up the tube, removed the label and let dry.
I got out my tin of PdP, screwed the push-up plate about half way down the tube and scraped some PdP into the tube. Forced it down with my thumb, then lowered the piston and repeated until full.
I tried this mini shave stick out the past two days. Rolled up about 3mm of the stick and applied that to my face and then face-lathered it into my usual creamy PdP lather.
Combined with my Wee Scot this will make a very nice short-duration travel stick. Tossing two or three of these in the Dopp kit for variety and I am set for a couple of weeks+ of great shaves for minimal space and weight.
I also found a larger sized glue stick that is about the size of a Speick stick, whiich should work equally well.
So rather than tossing out those old dried up glue sticks...make a few travel sticks with your favorite soaps.
Holding that mini twist-up tube in hand I wondered how well it would work as a mini shave stick dispenser.
I rolled that old glue chunk up and out, washed up the tube, removed the label and let dry.
I got out my tin of PdP, screwed the push-up plate about half way down the tube and scraped some PdP into the tube. Forced it down with my thumb, then lowered the piston and repeated until full.
I tried this mini shave stick out the past two days. Rolled up about 3mm of the stick and applied that to my face and then face-lathered it into my usual creamy PdP lather.
Combined with my Wee Scot this will make a very nice short-duration travel stick. Tossing two or three of these in the Dopp kit for variety and I am set for a couple of weeks+ of great shaves for minimal space and weight.
I also found a larger sized glue stick that is about the size of a Speick stick, whiich should work equally well.
So rather than tossing out those old dried up glue sticks...make a few travel sticks with your favorite soaps.