I came across this site this morning. A jug of Patron from a jug of cheaper tequila perhaps? Has anyone tried this? Christmas is coming soon too. www.Blueridgemountainspirits.com
Can't follow the link from work, but I am assuming it is another one of those "pour booze through our suspiciously brita-like product and it will triple in value" gimmicks?
No, not really. It is an oak barrel that you put the liquor in to age. You can add flavorings if you wish I see. They are available as small as 1 liter in size. Not particularly cost effective I suppose, just thought it looked like something that might be enjoyable to mess with this winter. Of course it may turn out to be a bust too.
this can be done alot cheaper and probably better than using this system. Barrel aging any spirit will give it unique vanilla notes among other things. My only concern would be the "killer Flavorings" and thier effect on the condition on the inside of the barrel. hard to remove once its in the wood.
Go to the brewing supply store in your area " most places have one" look for the 1 gallon carboys and spiral wood plugs ( in all kinds of woods but oak is best)
The process is called infusion and there are a ton of recipes on the internet to make all kinds of cool spirits ( most are vodka based)
for general knowledge filtering a spirit does not make a higher quality spirit it has more to do with the distillation process and aging than with filtration. Its impossible to make cuervo into patron ( content of blue agave is different)
or you could distill your own ( I think this is still illegal in most states you'd have to check the rules for your specific state ) but this process scares to bajeezus out of me. ( lots of science to do it right)