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Microsoft Surface I want IT!

Ever since Microsoft announced it's Surface Tablet. I've been wishing upon a star for it to be released already!. I read all the hype and speculation on the news sites. All the Techie Apple fan boy's rooting against it, just adds to the drama. :001_tt2:
Anyone else gonna get one? I REALLY WANT IT. And just a few days ago, rumors are wild, speculating on the RT's 199 pricing. :001_tt1:
That is one nice looking piece of equipment. I went to a wiki article about it and some of MS's typical OEM partners are kind of hacked off. They think it will compete with their Ultrabook models. It likely will. Now I am not real savvy about the notebook market so this may be way off. I think Microsoft has done something real smart for a change. When the 800 pound gorilla in the room takes a join 'em or lose 'em attitude you know something has changed dramatically. MS really ignored this segment for years. Even when a handheld computer took off big time(iPhone) and then when its more muscular brother iPad tablet made about as big a splash it was almost like they didn't notice. But they sure did.

I think it was smart of MS to take an Apple-ish approach to this hardware. "We make the first one and lay out the specs". If you want to play, keep the hardware tightly integrated to the specs. They took this approach with Windows Phone os to keep the icky reliability issues Wndows CE had at bay. Now whether this all works or not is completely up in the air. Personally I like to have lots of choice so I hope it just works.

Cheers, Todd
I think Microsoft has a chance with this. Personally, I'm waiting for a 7" Android tablet with more storage after playing with my wife's new Google Nexus.
I'm a bit behind here. I've been waiting for a good Windows based tablet (key word is good).
the Dell ones have been very disappointing.
I think we had an Acer one here too. (i'm talking at my workplace).

Neither worked well.
Ok, I just checked it out at Microsoft's site.
This is what I've been looking for.
If it works as good as my Windows Phone, I'm sold!
Here's the official Microsoft video.


No doubt Microsoft is stepping their game up with this device. I know they feel the need to sell to consumers, and not just IT departments. I loaded windows 8 consumer preview on my old dual core notebook and its faster than ever. It boots under 5 seconds. I think the antivirus is already integrated. no need to purchase it separately.

Link to Microsoft Windows 8 Consumer preview download page


Installation Key is TK8TP-9JN6P-7X7WW-RFFTV-B7QPF (note this is not piracy its a legitimate direct download from Microsoft. Also the key is listed on the site and is good for the TRIAL or Preview version)
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