I've been reading about this for a while, but I can never seem to find any. Does anybody have any ideas about where to get it in North Carolina?
I've been reading about this for a while, but I can never seem to find any. Does anybody have any ideas about where to get it in North Carolina?
Never ordered from these guys, but the pricing seems reasonable. http://www.drsoda.com/mexicancoke.html
Note they specifically indicate shipping glass bottles is at your own risk.
Good photo. That yellow cap, and the Hebrew/Kosher letters symbols are definitely what to look for. In Pepsi, the white cap on 2 liter bottles and I do not know whther the cap has the symbols or not. Maybe it has to to be legit for Passover.
I think Pepsi throwback is still in the stores. It was supposed to have a 3 month run, if I recall. The three months may have been Jan through March. Someone should do some blind tastings of Throwback, Kosher for Passover Pepsi, and Regular Pepsi against each other, and the same for Kosher for Passover Coke against regular HFCS Coke. I have something of a sense that the Pepsi Throwback tastes watered down compared to the Passover Pepsi. I think the first time Pepsi throwback came out it was less watered down. I think these companies may be trying to show that we all really like HFCS better, but they do not want to go so far as to mess around with the formula for Passover purposes!
I'm in agreement that Throwback 2.0 is definitely not the same as the first release, which is a real shame. I have one 12-pack of the first release that I'm drinking last because it'll be a sad day when it's finally all gone for good.
Last year, I heard that the local Krogers were carrying Passover Coke, but I couldn't find it anywhere.
I've heard that there is also Passover coke, which has the same recipe (real sugar) as the Mexican coke. You're in luck, its almost Passover time! Look for the parve / kosher symbol.
Image courtesy of Serious Eats; who had it courtesy of mhaithaca on Flickr
Also, the article in the link said something about Pepsi unrolling a "Pepsi Throwback" also with real sugar. Interesting.
It may not be in the soda aisle. Look for the section with the matzoh and the other kosher for Passover foods.
It may not be in the soda aisle. Look for the section with the matzoh and the other kosher for Passover foods.
I have been buying it at the Belmont (NC) Hardware store on Main Street.I've been reading about this for a while, but I can never seem to find any. Does anybody have any ideas about where to get it in North Carolina?