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Method shaving with a cartridge razor; anybody tried, can it be done?

I'm sure anybody familiar with wet shaving knows what method shaving is. For those of you that don't, it's a three pass shave utilizing the four quadrants of your face. There are numerous charts of it by doing a Google search. Anyways, it's recommended that we use a DE razor while method shaving. Why is that? Because I'm going to try it with a Trac II. Wish me Luck. Peace!
Why wouldn't you be able to shave in a methodical way with a cartridge razor?

My method is really simple; one WTG pass, and one ATG pass. Sometimes I do the WTG pass with a cartridge razor, but I always do the ATG pass with a DE razor.

Before switching to a DE, I did both passes with a cartridge razor. But the Trac II is rougher ATG than a single DE blade, because the Trac has a too steep angle for my taste.

So I often did a WTG pass and some touch ups on the chin only.
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