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Mess Hall Acquisitions


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I feel like a maniac when I wheel my 20lb bags of rice to the register, but 50 lbs of flour is even too much for me. :001_tongu

Do you have the giant Hobart mixer to go with it?
I like to buy my supplies in bulk as well. My soaping oils come in the 35 lb and 50 lb boxes. Then lots of smaller boxes on an off as well with other supplies. But hey I get the best price online even including shipping what can I say!

Then I sweet talk the hubby into carrying them from the garage into my soap storage room just off the kitchen. :rolleyes:
I heard some noise in my driveway last night and after appropriately "equipping":gunsmilie:myself, discovered a nice honking big pile of black cherry and white oak smoking wood, neatly stacked.:a50:

Thanks Tom!:ouch1:
I added a shelf to my cooker (finally). Welded it up from a section of salvaged restaurant shelf.:biggrin:



Hey, we don't have an acquisitions thread yet! I'll start out.

You know you make too much pizza when you stop by the local bakery and buy a 50lb (!) bag of high gluten flour:

Why High Gluten? I,d think it would make for a rather tough crust. In Italy the flour traditionally used is the 000 flour, very low in protein. Pretty much the opposite of high gluten.:confused1
Why High Gluten? I,d think it would make for a rather tough crust. In Italy the flour traditionally used is the 000 flour, very low in protein. Pretty much the opposite of high gluten.:confused1

The NY street slice I emulate is the opposite of the traditional Neopolitan slice you describe. Crisp and foldable, supporting a fair amount of gooey cheese and sauce. High-gluten flour is the standard for pies in this area.

That's the beauty of pizza - so many different styles.
My mom was in town this weekend and we went binge shopping, by we I really mean her. She lives in the middle of no where and does not have access to kitchen shops or nice grocery stores.

The final tally?
Breville Icon blender
Vic Firth rolling pin, I have had my eye on a new pin for about two years.
Cooling rack
1.5 qt Sauce pan and 9 in saute pan, Al Clad, under $100 for both of them combined. I'll be picking up the saute pan for myself next month. Who am I kidding? I'm getting the sauce too.:wink2:
Heavy duty pie pans
Tea pot and an assortment of teas
Lots and lots of spices from the bulk section of Central Market
Several kitchen tools, whisk, cheese slicer, silicone spatulas etc.
Two cook books, one by Gordon Ramsey and one by Rick Bayless.
Lots of fruit and cheese.
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