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Merkur Progress/Mergress

Hi, I was looking at the progress and the Mergress. The Mergress has a metal knob. However, the mergress does not address the problem in the handle. The handle is still pretty slippers. I was wondering if any of you guys have a solution to the slippery handle. I was wondering if there is a way to put a handle similar to the 34c HD to the mergress to improve the grip and still have the adjustability of the mergress.
I shave with my progress all the time...it's my #1, and I personally don't have any trouble with it slipping out of my hands. For what its worth:001_smile
You can purchase hot shrink wrap plastic tubing and put it around the handle. Heat it up and shrink it around the handle using a hair dryer. If you don't like it, the tubing can be removed fairly easily. I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for as a solution as I'm sure the tubing will eventually come off after repeated wetting. Personally, I don't think modifying the handle in any way is an overly useful exercise as you may end up ruining the handle.
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I used my mergress this morning.
I never even thought about it being slippery.
another YMMV I guess.
Both my Futur and LONG HANDLE Progress handles are smooth (just like the great shaves they give) and in use the handle tip is supported in the palm of the hand.:thumbup1:
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