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Merkur Futur is no R89

First, I'd like to give a huge thanks to B&B member A Rose's Thorn. I bought a Merkur Futur a few days ago at a great price and included was an 8 blade type sampler pack and Lea Cream. I wasn't expecting these in the deal and was quite surprised to receive them. Thanks again!
This morning I decided to try the Futur out. I decided to use a Feather blade in the new razor. I can say that I have a lot to learn about this beautiful razor in order to wield this beast properly. It frightened me. LOL I set the razor on (just below) 1 to start. Taking very short and slow strokes, I was very surprised at the aggressiveness on it's lowest setting. This is the most aggressive of my 12 DE razors so far. With my R89 I can usually go pretty quickly with very good results. Just for giggles I moved the setting to the maximum and the first thought that came to me was that I could quite possibly figure out a way to accidentally cut my left foot off with this thing. I moved the dial back down to (just below) 1 and finished my first pass. I had more stubble on the cheeks than I usually have and I could already tell my chin was burned a bit. Lathered up again and finished my horizontal pass. Still more stubble than my R89 or the tech would leave me with and chin & neck burning, which was odd. Rinsed cold and applied alum block all over. I had a ton of alum input. Now, I always either use a Shark or Astra blade. I have never used anything else so I'm thinking that I just may not be compatible with the Feather blades. Does anyone else have this issue with Feather blades? Over all, I think this is a great razor but like any tool, it's going to take a bit of time to get to know it.
Who else has a Futur and what do you think of it?
I pretty much use a Futur exclusively since receiving one a few months back. I do not prefer Feather blades, at least for this razor. I just received a sample of Personna Med Preps and they are fabulous. Crystals worked well too... I think Astra's worked better than Feathers...

Nonetheless, the Merkur Futur is a unique razor. It has a learning curve because the angle is somewhat different than others. Once you get the hang of that and figure out what setting(s) work for you, it will quickly gain your dear affection. At least that's what happened with me. It's a heavy razor that doesn't require much work on your part other than making sure it addresses your skin properly.

I would give it some time and try other blades as well... The Futur is beloved by many, many B&B members. Happy Shaving!

I think a good test would be the same Feather blade in my R89, and then an Astra or Shark in the Futur. I agree that the angle has a learning curve. Thanks for the tip on the Personna blades. What setting is everyone using on their Futur? Currently scared to go above 1. :biggrin1:
For me it's the other way. My Futur removes my growth in no time on a 2.5 setting. My R89 is the most mild and I use it on days when my face feels rough. My third is a 34CHD which is my go-to.
I have left mine on 2.5 for quite a while. I just tried mine wide open on recommendation (BMILCS?) and didn't really find too much difference. Great shaving tool. I also use alum on my fingers for this one. Polsilvers are smooth as butter in this one!
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I do not care for the Futur. For some reason I find it less smooth than the Progress/Mergress, which can also provide a reasonably aggressive shave. The R89 is the opposite - it is a very smooth ride.
I love my Futur so much I sold my Mergress because I wasn't using it. The weird thing is my other favorite is a 1951 Gillette which is the opposite of the Futur. Where the Futur is heavy and aggressive the Gillette is light and mild, yet both give fantastic shaves.
I am the minority here but I can't recommend setting the Futur at 5+ enough. I find it to be a much easier and enjoyable experience. The blade gap seems scary but it is extremely smooth and comfortable. I typically set it at 5.5 and combine it with Polsilver SIs.

My best tip for you are keeping your grip in the bevel in the handle with a pencil type hold on it. Very light. If you use too much pressure you'll lose your grip. Try it out at a high setting. If it isn't for you, then revert to your old ways. I have suggested this to several buddies... One of which who was about to sell it out of frustration. Like you, he was using it at very low settings. It has become his favorite razor.
my futur is set to the lowest setting and gives me a great 2-3pass shave provided I concentrate for the whole session


I have also bought from A Rose's Thorn - what a true gentleman!
I think a good test would be the same Feather blade in my R89, and then an Astra or Shark in the Futur. I agree that the angle has a learning curve. Thanks for the tip on the Personna blades. What setting is everyone using on their Futur? Currently scared to go above 1. :biggrin1:

I used a Futur for a vey long time (recently moved to a Vision) and rarely went over 2, mostly at 1.5-1.75.
I shaved again this morning with the Futur going very slow, using very short passes, keeping mind to the angle, and using a new Shark blade. I'm going to sit on this one for a while and come back to it. My initial reaction is to sell it as it scrapes the heck out of me and burns. I started out on 2.5 and after half of my face, moved back down to 1. I have a new found respect to those who use the Futur as their daily driver. Moving R89 back to the stand.
Don't sit on it, it won't be comfortable! hahaha! I never really had great experience with the Shark blades, they're ok, just not great. Astras would be my choice for what you have listed. Sometimes Feathers can be too sharp. Give Toothpick a looksee at TGBE and try some Polsilvers or G-Blacks. Both of these blades perform very well for me in this razor!
Iget good results using Derby's in my Futur. Strangely, Merkur blades don;t seem to work well for me. A have a dozen razors I use regularly (more that I don;t) and notice differences with all depending on blades (my wife thinks I am delusional).
I started out using a Merkur blade in my Futur. Setting at 3 the first day and setting a 2 1/2 the second day. I love the razor but hated the blade. I put in a feather at 2 1/2 and loved it. You really do have to get the angle right. I also use Feather's in my DE89 and R106.
I don't have a Futur, but I did find with the Mergress that exposed flaws in my technique. Sticking with it allowed me to correct those errors and I can now get a great shave with all my razors.
Hey Chris, you ever run into Lazlo or Kent?

Haha.. I think Kent joined some cult out west somewhere and Lazlo wound up winning 31.8% of the prizes in a Frito-Lay sweepstakes by submitting 1,650,000 entries. “No purchase necessary, enter as often as you want.”
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