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Merkur 33c

I got my first brand new razor it is the Merkur 33c. I also got some new blades to try Racer,Nacet Platinum,Irdium,Treet and of course the Merkur. Which one do I try first is the question. I have not used any of those blades yet I am currently using Croma and my fav so far is gillette 7'o clock yellows which I am out of at the moment. So that brings me to my question which blade?
Toss the Merkur, or save it in the box that the razor came in.

You might try the Racer, then Treet. Perhaps save the Iridium for last.
Toss the Merkur....

I wouldn't just do that; you could be one of the minority here who actually like them.

Like Feather, Merkur has an almost mythical reputation but you have to find out for yourself. Apart from their price-tag I don't find anything wrong with them.
I wouldn't just do that; you could be one of the minority here who actually like them.

Like Feather, Merkur has an almost mythical reputation but you have to find out for yourself. Apart from their price-tag I don't find anything wrong with them.

Agreed. I find Merkur blades to be adequate and they perform better in a Merkur razor than in a Gillette.

Give that blade first shot.
Why save the Iridium for last? I will keep the Merkur and use it last. I am torn between the Iridium and Treet I have used the Treet single edge and I like the way it shaves and I hope that it gives close to the same shave.
I suggest that you use a blade with which you are already comforatable. Then you can branch out and try the others.

Nice to see the humble 33C getting some attention.
I suggest that you use a blade with which you are already comforatable. Then you can branch out and try the others.

Nice to see the humble 33C getting some attention.

I had just came to that conclusion this way I can tell what is razor and what is blade and that way I have a solid comparison.
Did my normal face prep loaded a Croma. I like the balance and how it fits in my hand. I am a fan very glad I got this razor! After have a nice gental shave I may have to retry my wifes tech. I am looking forward to trying these new blades out and see if I can find a replacement blade for the Croma I like them but.... And ateace good advice you had there
nice one! the Merkur 33c was my first safety razor as well and I still use it from time to time. but my main go to razor is the Gillette fat handle Tech. either way, the Merkur will serve you well
I am having razor burn issues with the new razor I think I need a better angle

it could be a variety of issues: technique, not enough prep or even the type of razor blade you're using. it'll take time but you'll get it. when I first got my Merkur I also got razor burn, but I was new at it and my choice of blades wasn't so great and my technique was sloppy. I now use the Gillette fat handle Tech almost exclusively but it has helped tremendously in avoiding nicks and getting a quality shave. now, when I try my other safety razors I don't have the same problems.
it could be a variety of issues: technique, not enough prep or even the type of razor blade you're using. it'll take time but you'll get it. when I first got my Merkur I also got razor burn, but I was new at it and my choice of blades wasn't so great and my technique was sloppy. I now use the Gillette fat handle Tech almost exclusively but it has helped tremendously in avoiding nicks and getting a quality shave. now, when I try my other safety razors I don't have the same problems.

When people ask which razor to start with when coming to DE shaving, the Fat Handle Tech is my first suggestion. They're cheap, well-made and quite forgiving, but at the same time give a good shave.
I changed my soap and that helped alot so that is part of it and even though I have been using de's for the last year the last few months not so much. My Sheraton causes vey little razor burn that last no time but the Merkur on the other hand ouch even the wife who shaves with the tech regular said she had razor burn after using it. And she was useing cream.
Also thinking about a fat handle tech to keep at school in case I need to touch up for inspection.
You know, I've had a Merkur 33C for a few years now, and I could never get it to really work for me. I will pick it up for a few weeks but eventually I drop it due to irritation. I tried it again the past month and found I really needed a light touch with it but I still could not do a 2 pass shave every single day. I just got a Muehle R89 in and the two shaves with it have been pretty good (the second was much better when I tried a Feather blade so I think that the duller Israeli Crystals may have been causing some irritation with their drag in both razors). I would say keep at it I guess but I could never get it to fully work out for me.
I think the Merkur 33C is rather mild though more aggressive than the Techs. When you take a good look at both razors when loaded with a blade you can see that the blade in the Merkur is much more curved than in the Tech. This means that in order to get the same cutting angle you will have to hold the razor slightly different.

Wrong angle (with added pressure to compensate) will no doubt be the cause of your razorburn. You might start with holding the top plate to your skin and lower the handle till it starts cutting. Try short strokes so the process is controled more easy.

The downside of starting out with the mild Gillettes is that they can ruin your technique with other razors because of their fool-proof qualities!
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The downside of starting out with the mild Gillettes is that they can ruin your technique with other razors becouse of their fool-proof qualities!


I had been using the Tech for so long that whenever I tried a new razor I wouldn't get the best results. the Feather Portable still shreds my face
So far I have tried Croma =fail,Iradium =fail,Sharks lots better and way less burn but still burn I will try a feather in it this morning and see how that goes
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