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Merkur 33c + Red Personnas

Hey all,

So I just wanted to share my experiences with the Merkur 33c (the classic 3 piece) loaded with Red Pack Personnas. I've found that this razor and blade combination is SSOOO friendly to my face. I find it really really hard to cut myself and get irritation.

I never get a really close BBS shave, but I also never try to since I have pretty sensitive skin. I've gotten CLOSE shaves using something like a Merkur 39c (sold now) with feather blades, but it wasn't so comfortable on my face. The shave is close enough for me but the skin comfort with this razor+blade is tops for me. It quite a pleasurable shave, and it's really easy on my face.

Anyone else have similar experiences with the Merkur 33c and Red Pack Personnas?
The 33c is/was my first razor. My favorite combo was with a crystal blade. Took me 4 months to try another razor, and I keep coming back to it. I recently acquired a 38m (the barber pole) that I believe is now my go to razor.
The 33c gives a comfortable shave. Just not as close as I like. If you have a sensitive face this is the razor for you!
Definitely a razor for a sensitive face. But I find it a bit more aggressive than my Tech, but just the right amount for an easy daily shaver. If you want to remove a lot of stubble at once, than perhaps not the razor for you. But I have other options for that, e.g. Red Tip or Fat Boy or Slim dialed up to 9. :thumbup1:
The 33C and Red Personna was a great combo for me - a turning point in my DE journey. Just as you described.
I've since moved to using an HD, which gives a closer shave without the added price of irritation.

Whenever I need to "reset" my routine, but can't skip a day, I'll load the 33C with the Red Personna and all is right again.
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