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Merkur 15C two passes!

Gents, I just did two WTG passes with my new 15C open comb! This is the second time I have used it! I got a closer shave with two WTG passes with it than I have with my EJ DE89! It's a great razor for a newb like me!

I am heading to BBS Kirk's later to watch some golf and chat about wet shaving! I bet he will be raving about Skin Bracer while I'm there. Laughing

Shave setup for today: Astra blade, Merkur 15C, tweezerman badger brush, VDH soap, and Razorock sandalwood aftershave!
Lucky man, my 15C was SO mild that I traded it. My only experience with almost BBS with 2 WTG passes has been with my Muhle R41
I'm a big fan of the Merkur OC razors when I want a mild, easy shave. With a feather blade and some skin stretching, it's BBS city. :)
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