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Menghai Bing, Table Vice, and a Sledge

Impact drill with small bit might work.
Seriously, I have three weapons. I have a thin pick. I have a standard pu-erh knife that works well after some initial loosening or on a loosely compresses beeng and I have a very old paring knife that I carefully use to avoid personal damage.
I use an ice pick and an oyster knife. I have injured myself with both but not on any Dayi cakes. Xiaguan bricks and tuos are brutal sometimes.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
If it makes you feel any better, compared to some of the Xiaguan bings, the Menghai cakes will practically fall apart just by looking at them.

I tried using a honesuki (stiff bladed boning knife) but quickly realized that I would kill myself in short order. Oyster knives work okay, but I almost always use a thin tuo pick.
When I came back from China last time, I used a bread knife to saw a bunch of Xiaguan tuocha in halves for various folks' sampling packages. :chinese:

My wife's face when she saw me sawing tuocha in half using a huge bread knife is memorable!


When I came back from China last time, I used a bread knife to saw a bunch of Xiaguan tuocha in halves for various folks' sampling packages. :chinese:

My wife's face when she saw me sawing tuocha in half using a huge bread knife is memorable!



I'm surprised that she did not threaten you with the bread knife. :w00t: He, he.
In the immortal words of Hedley Lamar, "Kinky."


Kinky Indeed! :lol:

Mengai Bing, Handcuffs, and a Bandsaw...

I would also point out that it is only after I post the above image that I realize the name of the manufacturer. How very Freudian. :001_rolle
Yeah, Xiaguan is a million times tougher than Menghai, experience helps too...

Some of the 12 gentlemen cakes are built like bricks too.

Sometimes you just have to sense the cleavage point(s) and attack it from there.

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