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Mendel's AD Has Resurfaced: RAD, SBAD, SSAD, FPAD, etc.

Greetings from Mendel & Gilligan!

Yes, it happens to the best of us...the return of our AD. Pictured you will see my recent purchases of:
  • TWSBI inkwell for the 700
  • Pilot Iroshizuko Asa-Gao ink
  • Rooney Silvertip brush
  • Sabi striped silvertip brush
  • Sabi striped razor
  • Black matte stand from WCS
  • Feather blades
  • TWSBI 700 vac fountain pen
  • Faber-Castell fountain pen with leather barrel
  • Tyvec "Mighty Wallet" by Dynomighty
  • Czech & Speake #88 shaving soap (I love their Oxford & Cambridge as well)
  • Scottish Fine Soaps Classic


I was minding my own business, trying to be a good forum Steward and before I knew it, my AD had returned. I still have a few more items coming...another brush and a custom stand.

And I would be remiss if I didn't post yesterday's picture of Gilligan and me at the vet office for his final puppy shot. We were dancing in the waiting room...you will notice I am holding his hand/paw:

Gilligan looks like he is starting to get a little bigger. I will have to post a few pics of the girls (Mocha and Molly), my little long haired troublemakers. Oh yeah, almost forgot, nice haul.
Ogallala makes a product called "Weiner Wash" specifically for the little badger hounds. If its half as good as the soap and aftershave I'd give it a shot!
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