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Mass Times Accelleration

I have a riddle for you all,

What happens when you take one of these

And mix in one of these

Sadly you end up with one of these...


My week got started very badly.

I hope you weren't injured - please let us know if you're OK.

Doesn't look like the frame/unibody was bent much. It should be OK after repair.
I'm fine, I was stopped when it happened. The Acme Brick truck rolled back onto my hood when he tried to start going back up the hill. I had time to watch as he slowly rolled back and methodically crushed my car. I hope it's not totaled, I love that car!
Surely this is covered by insurance? Or doesn't insurance work that way across the puddle?

It all depends on the report. Clearly the brick truck driver is at fault, but typically when there's a front-to-back collision like this, it's always the back car's fault (how often does the front car go backwards?), to the point where unless there's a police report or someone admits fault most insurance companies don't believe you if you say the front car rolled back and hit you.
For that much damage there would have to be a police report. Does not look like the BMW would be drivable, at least not for any distance. Looks like a lot of damage but it also looks to be mostly cosmetic. Fortunately it was not a speed involved accident and more of a weight/momentum accident. So the BMW should be structurally intact. Hope they do not total it. I have always had an appreciation for BMWs. I will probably never own one though, I like my Jeeps too much.
The air bag didn't go off because the point of impact was NOT the bumper, in fact, it looks like the bumper doesn't even have a scratch on it.
It will be covered by insurance, but it may be a little bit of a fight to get his insurance to cover it since no witnesses pulled over.

Big Kev,
Actually we were pulled over for a good 35 minutes exchanging information, and of the three Dallas Police officers that passed by NONE stopped! After the Acme truck left (his vehicle WAS still drivable) a Dallas Sherrif stopped to help me out. He pushed my car onto a side street, and then said a quick "Have a good day." and left.

If you look closer, the bumper is destroyed. It got pushed down and out from the pressure on top. There are at least two cracks, and both fog lamp assemblies are loose.

The best news I've had yet was that a co-worker's friend was telling him about a wreck he saw, and it sounds like it was mine! Hopefully that means I'll be able to get a witness.

I don't know if I'll be wiping my eyes with them, but if they total it I will definitely be upgrading my car. Thank you Bradyarz, I have now changed my avatar.

meh, i would go with this.

that way, the next time that happens, you just touch bumpers briefly, and off he goes. no biggie.

apologies to anyone trying to snipe :tongue_sm

The funniest thing about that is the tractor that was pulling this behemoth was a 2005 International... :censored: If I could afford to feed that beast it would be my new hunting truck!

I'm actually thinking about getting the new Camaro. It's been years since I've had a new car, and that's one that I actually like.

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