Worth is relative. I bought myself and my wife one 10 years ago. I threw mine in my travel kit and have never given a thought to it again. I think they are pretty much bullet proof. They come in small and large and for fine hair and regular.
What's absolutely necessary for me is to protect the scalp at the same time as controlling the hair. Any brush that has the little plastic balls on the tips instead of the pointy ends, works just as well. The Bass "900" line of brushes do fine for under 10 bucks; those are available at Whole Foods markets. I've been using the Bass and an even cheaper no-name Japanese model for years, unfortunately that particular model has been discontinued -- but there are similar models to be had in beauty supply shops. I prefer the 9-row type.
Can't say yet if it's worth since had my brush just two months. I got tired to buy every year new hairbrush since those cheap ones don't last so long. I got hybrid brush with nylon and pure bristle and generally it seems to be more gently on my hair than those cheap brushes.
I bought a Kent brush from England for a lot of money years ago, old company,handmade, all that stuff. I also have a cheaper brush for probably 10 times less money and they both are in good shape, the finish on the Kent is better but,it's a brush. Both boars bristle. So for the money spend it elsewhere.